明日之光Open Arms 团队快乐的夏天
2020年11月,美中下一代基金会明日之光公益奖平台正式成立并得到华人社区的积极响应。平台的职责之一是传播各个团队的事迹和经验,共大家学习,交流和参考。近两年的时间里,我们通过生活网平台刊登了不少由孩子们自己撰写的文章,既让大家看到他们为社区做出的努力,也使得孩子们通过记录自己的活动,更加深刻的体会到服务社区和他人的重要和荣誉。这篇文章里,明日之光Open Arms的队长( President)Abigail Rong向大家介绍了他们团队利用暑假带领孩子们参与各种户外活动的经历和感悟。
Open Arms Summer Fun
Open Arms 团队快乐的夏天
Written By: Abigail Rong (Open Arms President, Denmark High School 10th Grader)
Starting from June 4th 2022, Open Arms launched summer activities featuring funsummer-exclusive activities and locations.
从 2022 年 6 月 4 日开始,Open Arms 推出了有趣的夏季特有的活动和不同的活动场所。
During the summer we held the event at several different locations with the primary goal for all of them to relate to outdoor play. During the summer we wanted both our volunteers and kids to be able to enjoy the outdoors and be physically active. The solution to this was to host all our events at locations with playgrounds. Our meetings would usually be held at a fire station community room or a neighborhood playground. This was great excitement among all the kids and volunteers as these new locations held a variety of new stimuli different from the ones our regular location at the church had to offer.

Water Guns Fight
今年夏天,我们在几个不同的地点举办了活动,主要目标是让所有人都能参与户外活动。 我们希望我们的志愿者和孩子们在夏天都能够享受户外活动,锻炼身体。 所以我们选择在有游乐场的地方举办我们所有的活动。 我们的活动通常借用一个消防站的社区活动室或小区的游乐场举行。 这让所有孩子和志愿者感到非常兴奋,因为这些新地点提供了与我们在教堂的常规地点所提供的不同的各种新刺激。

Walking to Shakerag Park next to Fire Station
Not only did our summer programs present new locations, we also hosted new activities. Because our events were often held outdoors, we didn’t want kids and volunteers to overheat. To combat this issue we often had fun water-related activities such as water balloons, water guns, and even a lemonade station. The majority of the kids and volunteers had a great time and helped some of the kids interact with each other more and improve their social skills. These new activities brought excitement to the program and a lot of new faces.

Sidewalk Chalk Drawing
我们的夏天的活动不仅有不同的地点,我们还增加了一些新的内容。 因为我们的活动经常在户外举行,我们不希望孩子和志愿者过热。 所以我们增加了一些有趣的与水有关的活动,例如充水气球战、水枪大战,甚至柠檬水站。 大多数孩子和志愿者度过了愉快的时光,并帮助一些孩子更多地互动并提高了他们的社交技能。 这些新的活动给节目带来了兴奋和许多新面孔。
Another activity we started during the summer was the lemonade stand. Though only the volunteers were allowed to operate it, both groups had a lot of fun. Kids enjoyed the refreshing lemonade while they played outside. The volunteers also handed out lemonade to the people in the neighborhood while collecting donations for our organization. The lemonade stand was a great success so after the first day we started selling the lemonade to raise funds for our organization.

Water balloon Fight
我们在夏天开始的另一项内容是柠檬水摊位。 虽然只允许志愿者操作,但所有人都玩得很开心。 孩子们在户外玩耍时享受清爽的柠檬水。 志愿者们在向附近路过的人们分发免费的柠檬水的同时也为我们的组织宣传募捐。 柠檬水摊位很受欢迎,所以在一次活动之后,义工们又销售了几次柠檬水来为我们的组织筹集资金。
The fun summer has passed, but the fun memories will stay for the kids and volunteers. Now we are back to our regular location Johns Creek Methodist Church. We welcome more volunteers and neurodivergent kids to join our events. If you need more information, please visit our website https://www.openarmsforkids.org (Still under construction) or email us at openarms2021.org@gmail.com. If you want to be a regular sponsor for Open Arms, please email us at openarms2021.org@gmail.com. We will display your business logo or business card on our website. If you just want to give a one time donation, please Zelle to openarms2021.org@gmail.com. No matter if you are a neurodivergent kid, a volunteer, or a donor, we welcome you with Open Arms.
快乐的夏天已经过去,但美好的记忆会留在孩子们和志愿者心中。 现在我们回到了我们的常规地点约翰溪卫理公会教堂。 我们欢迎更多的志愿者和特需孩子加入我们的活动。 如果您需要更多信息,请访问我们的网站 https://www.openarmsforkids.org(仍在创建中)或发送电子邮件至openarms2021.org@gmail.com。 如果您想成为 Open Arms 的常规赞助商,请发送电子邮件至openarms2021.org@gmail.com。 我们将在我们的网站上展示您的企业标志,链接或名片。 如果您只想一次性捐款,请 Zelle 发送至 openarms2021.org@gmail.com。 无论您是特需孩子、志愿者还是捐赠者,我们都张开双臂欢迎您。