
ATL单身吃饭爬山跳舞群DIY找对象 Virtual Speed Dating 5/27/2023 Saturday 10:00 PM – 参与者自己选结束时间

ATL单身吃饭爬山跳舞群DIY找对象 Virtual Speed Dating

5/27/2023 Saturday 10:00 PM – 参与者自己选结束时间

(Virtual Speed Dating活动不需要提前报名因为在线)



Event Information:

Virtual Speed Dating 参与方式
Virtual Speed Dating Participation Styles

Style A: 每个人都同时 text/image/introduction 自我介绍到我们392+人微信群. 有缘分的见到自我介绍会加人. see https://atlehd.wordpress.com/
Style A: Everyone will at the same time send a text/image/video introduction to our 392+ WeChat Group. Compatible people seeing a good introduction will add the other person.

Please prepare a “self introduction.”

Can be a picture or video like those matchmaking television shows.

包括什么细节是开放式的. 内容应该回答这种问题:
It is open ended what is included. The contents should answer these questions:

你几岁? 爱好? 宗教? 你在找对象或朋友? 你是什么样的人? 你在找什么样的人?
Age? Hobbies? Religion? Searching for romantic prospect or friends? What kind of person are you? What kind of person are you looking for?

你帮朋友红娘也可以. 假装是人民公园相亲角也可以.
Helping a friend matchmaking is also allowed. Pretending it is the Shanghai Marriage Market is OK. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shanghai_Marriage_Market

(People who are not single are allowed to participate to meet new friends or help friends matchmake.)

5/27/2023 Saturday 10:00 PM 大家会发”自我介绍”到我们的 ATL单身吃饭爬山跳舞群DIY找对象 微信群.
5/27/2023 Saturday 10:00 PM Everyone will send “self introduction” to our ATL单身吃饭爬山跳舞群DIY找对象 WeChat Group.

After the “self introduction” is sent, participants are free to add WeChat and msg/voice call/video call.

这时候有些人会收到很多信息. 请先问对方要不要用语音聊/视频聊.
People will receive many messages. Please first ask permission before using voice/video call.

If 10 people call the same person simultaneously it will be a mess.

REJECTED (抱歉,没兴趣)

MSG at _:__(例如 10:00 你想和现在的人再聊 10 分钟,所以你写 MSG at 10:10)
If you are talking with someone else please respond:
REJECTED (Sorry, not interested)
MSG at _:__ (For example 10:00 you want to talk to a different person 10 more miinutes so you respond MSG at 10:10)

Participants can also send their own zoom links to the WeChat group if they prefer to use zoom.

I recommend a “self introduction” like this:

太兴奋等不及活动开始? 可以发”自我介绍” 到我们的微信群.
Too excited and can’t wait for the event to start? Can send the “self introduction” immediately to our WeChat group.

Style B: 匿名志愿者 Virtual Speed Dating Format Details:
有一个人自愿主持zoom meeting小组会议.
One person volunteered to host a zoom meeting.

“Zoom Meeting Link:
Meeting ID: 878 2092 5560
Passcode: 0527

  1. Anyone sincerely looking for love is welcome to join. Make sure attend it on time. There will be a host – experienced in online event hosting – to host the event.
  2. 欢迎任何真诚寻找爱情的人加入。 确保准时参加。 将有一位在在线活动主持方面经验丰富的主持人来主持活动。
  3. Everyone will take a turn (about a few minutes) to present himself / herself: (a) introduce yourself – what you do and what hobbies you like; (b) what kind of person / criteria you are looking for. Then it will be followed by a brief Q&A.
  4. 每个人轮流(大约几分钟)做自我介绍: (a) 自我介绍——你做什么,有什么爱好; (b) 你在寻找什么样的人/标准。 然后将进行简短的问答。
  5. Each participant should dress properly to your best, and be friendly and respectful of each other, and also appreciate that the host volunteer his time to provide this opportunity to for everyone get to know new friends. Do not ask too sensitive or privacy questions.
  6. 每位参与者都应该穿着得体,并保持友好和尊重对方,也感谢主持人自愿抽出时间为大家提供这个结识新朋友的机会。 不要问过于敏感或隐私的问题。
  7. Be respectful to the host who manages and controls the time.
  8. 尊重管理和控制时间的主人。

We are confident that this will be a fruitful and productive event.

微信群已经392多人. 微信加 wechat id: IUseQQ 要求加atlehd群. (请写你想加 atlehd群)
如果24小时内没加到,  联系群主.


群主在外面wechat id: IUseQQ0

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is atlehdvirtualspeeddatingdecisiontreetimechanged.png

 费用 :0
 联系 :wechati iuseqq iuseqq0
微信分享  组织活动

日期: 2023年05月27号
时间: 下午 10:00 - 下午 11:45





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