
為武漢祈禱 亞城人獻愛心 做實事 眾籌等你伸把手!

一方有難八方支援!遠在亞城的華裔學生Michelle Li 決定盡自己的微薄之力,用自己的方式獻愛心,禮輕情意重,希望亞城華人齊心助愛心傳遞!


武漢爆發的新型冠狀病毒感染的肺炎疫情牽動著上萬人的心,中國很多地區都出現了病例,世界各地也陸續出現了感染者。WHO 正在開會決定是否將其定為國際關注的突發公共衛生事件。病毒傳播速度之快,危害之大超乎人們的想像。

為武漢祈禱 亞城人獻愛心 做實事 眾籌等你伸把手!

更加令人擔心的是,各地均不同程度出現醫用口罩,防護服,護目鏡,測溫儀等防疫物資短缺現象。尤其是湖北省包括武漢地區醫院的醫護人員,沒有足夠的醫用口罩等防護工具,依然堅持在防疫第一線,用自己的血肉之軀保衛著人民的生命! 這些令人肅然起敬的白衣天使們,我們希望發動更多的人行動起來,能為他們出一份力。



A new coronavirus outbreak — a disease similar to SARS — is spreading quickly in Wuhan, China and the subsequent need for face masks and other medical grade equipment is quickly rising. Wuhan has been quarantined and as health officials fear as the World Health Organization fears a global epidemic.

As such, a scarcity of these medical supplies has struck the area, leading many exposed to this dangerous disease. Doctors and citizens lack surgical masks to protect themselves from this airborne disease. Death tolls are rising and we must act fast.

All funds will be used in order to donate M3  N95 1860 masks, respirators and other relevant medical equipment to Wuhan, China. The items will be purchased directly from M3 in America (due to a shortage in China) and sent to Wuhan.

We have already sent $507 of N95 medical grade disposable masks to Wuhan Union Hospital before this GoFundMe, and hope to send more with your help!

We are also looking to partner with hospitals who may have surplus supplies to donate. If you are connected with any hospital or organization and would like to partner with us, please contact us!







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