
教育 | 英語寫作的重要性及提高寫作興趣和能力的機會

寫作是與人溝通交流中最基本,使用最多的方式之一,也往往是令學生最頭痛最抓不住頭緒的一項任務。 寫作需要很多能力, 其中包括創造性思維能力, 執行能力, 分析能力, 自律能力, 批判性思維, 和觀察理解能力等。 同時也培養和鍛煉這些能力。 寫作好的孩子, 將來和別人討論問題, 在會議上講話, 面試回答問題, 都會思路清晰, 孩子將長期受益。

寫作在學業中佔有非常重要的位置, 無論是完成日常學業,應付標準化考試,或是準備大學申請材料,和將來進入職場,寫作技能都是必備的一項基本功。具體說來,高中課程,特別是文科課程有大量的寫作要求, AP World History, AP English, AP US History等所有的文科科目全國統考的考試,都需要當場寫出3-5篇文章。 SAT考試當場需要寫文章。而大學申請文書的寫作更是重中之重, 可以說對孩子的大學錄取起到關鍵甚至決定性作用。 大學期間申請各種獎學金、研究經費,申請實習工作,都需要大量寫作。熟練掌握寫作技巧,將使孩子長期受益。

但是,寫作是一項艱難的工作, 孩子自己主動練習寫作往往無從下筆,需要極強的興趣和自制力, 寫作的提高又是一個漫長的過程。怎樣才能讓孩子愛上寫作呢?

iLearn World為你提供經濟方便的英語寫作、 創意寫作網路5人小班課—— English Writing, Creative Writing (五到六年級的學生) 和 Debate-Lincoln-Douglas (七到八年級的學生)。

通過鼓勵參與,趣味練習來提高學生對英語寫作的興趣,同時鍛煉孩子的表達能力, 如果您想了解我們的老師和現有的5人小班課信息,請到 www.ilearnworld.com網站查閱。


1. 由擅長寫作和辯論的耶魯或者哈佛大學學生輔導,請到 www.ilearnworld.com 查看老師信息。

2. 每周1次課, 每次老師會要求學生讀一本書和/或者給學生一個作文題目, 學生寫好作文, 上課前一天交給老師, 上課時老師帶領討論並給予指導。 價格: $200/10次(3個月)

3. 選擇適合的時間和主題 ,請到網站 www.ilearnworld.com 查看現有5人小班課信息。

4. 也歡迎學生找朋友一起上一個小班課, 如果學生A找4個朋友 (加自己5個)一起上課, 學生可以自己商量上課時間, 也有可能自己選擇老師, 同時公司也給學生A 50%的優惠。


–From Jade’s mother in Alabama

My 8th grade son Jade has been learning essay writing with Kevin at iLearn World for almost two years. Before he was with iLearn World, I tried to convince Jade to read and practice writing more, but always failed. I tried to find essay writing classes, all of them were expensive, short term and inconvenient. One day, a friend recommended iLearn World to me. I liked the one-to-one style and young teachers, so I signed up immediately. After Jade studied with Kevin, he start to read more literature and LOVED writing. Jade told me that Kevin taught him lots of knowledge that his teacher never had time to teach every student. One-to-one training and discussion helped Jade’s communication.

Thank you for providing such a great opportunity! It made kids writing an easy task. Jade is always looking forward to the next lesson.

–From Christopher’s Mother in New York

Dear Ms Monica and ilearnworld,

Christopher truly enjoyed the lesson. He gave the rating of 99 out of a possible 100. Many advices he got from Ms Monica he has never received from his teachers at school. Christopher really likes reading and writing and hopes he could be a writer someday. The instructions and suggestions are clear, solid and super helpful. Thank you so much for tutoring Christopher and further nurture his interests in writing.

–From Ethan’s mother in North Carolina

Hi iLearnworld and Raymond,

We’re very grateful to Raymond and you for offering us this opportunity to improve Ethan’s writing skills. We cannot thank you both enough for this. Raymond is great Teacher!! He is a patient, inspiring and vastly knowledge person. He introduced the book To Kill a Mockingbird to Ethan and Ethan LOVED it. Ethan read the book when he woke up, when he had a break and whenever he had time. Before this, Ethan was only reading some entry level chapter books. Now he wants to read more historical fiction ones with Raymond. This week he wrote his first long essay about the part one of the book. Ethan was very happy that Raymond inspired him to write a longer essay for the first time

Ethan looks forward to writing more and reading more books with Raymond!


如果有問題, 請Email: ilearnworld.english@gmail.com 或者聯繫微信號: ilearnworld

《耶魯之路》, 這本書收集了15個耶魯錄取的大學生的申請文書, 個人簡歷, 高中課程, 暑假安排, 課外活動及獲獎情況。一個個真實的故事, 是幫助你了解 美國名校錄取 的 第一手材料。 如果您有興趣買這本書, 可以掃下面的二維碼, 到美國亞馬遜購買。


Email: ilearnworld.english@gmail.com





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