鉴于北校理事和 PTA 主席拒绝遵守章程召开全校的家长代表大会以解决现
在 ACCA 理事会残缺的问题,经过西、南校家长代表投票通过,现由西校和
南校选出的家长理事和 PTA 组成 ACCA 西南校联合管理委员会全面负责西
校和南校的运作,直到由三校理事组成的完整的 ACCA 理事会成立为止。
ACCA 西南校联合管理委员会
2020 年 4 月 29 日
Dear Parents of ACCA West and South Campuses,
The board members and PTA chair from ACCA North Campus have blocked
the ACCA Parent Representative Assembly to address the issue of the
incompleteness of the current ACCA board. This is an obvious violation of the
Bylaws of ACCA. Because of this, the parent representatives of the West and
South Campuses have voted to let the elected board members and PTA chairs
from West and South Campuses to organize a joint management committee to
be fully in charge of the operation of the West and South Campuses until the
establishment of a complete ACCA Board of Directors from three campuses.
Joint Management Committee of ACCA West and South Campuses
April 29th, 2020