一厢情愿,还是彼此相爱? --- 亚裔青年爱情故事剧《两小无猜》隆重上演
Full of hilarity and poignancy, The Two Kids That Blow Sh*t Up hits the stage at Aurora Theatre (Lawrenceville, GA) from September 7-30. Written by Asian-American playwright Carla Ching, this play is about trying not to fall in love with your best friends so you end up hating them.
Diana and Max meet at 9 years old, the day their parents start having an affair. In the ensuing decades, they see each other through highs and lows, trying not to make the same mistakes their parents did. Adult audiences will journey along on the thrilling, wild ride of Max and Diana’s relationship, filled with highs, lows and the hopeless influence of their parents.
The show stars Vivi Thai as Diana, a well-known actress who has received the Hollywood Fringe award for Best Immersive Experience. Jack Ha, a local stand-up comedian who loves spreading the joy of laughter, stars as Max. The production boasts direction by Pam Joyce, who is known for pursuing a passion for new works.
Aurora Theatre is committed to producing quality, professional theater for the Southeast, North Georgia, and metro Atlanta area. The theater presents rigorous cultural events and master pieces, and this play is a shining part of Aurora’s Cross-Cultural Program.
快乐中交织着悲伤--亚裔剧作家 Carla Ching 的新作 《两小无猜》,不经意地让观众体验这样的情感纠葛。这是一部现代舞台剧,描写一对亚裔青年曲折的爱情故事。它教你不要轻易地堕入爱河,即便是与亲密要好的朋友,以免终将以爱成仇。该剧于9月7日至30日在位于 Lawrenceville 的 Aurora Theatre 隆重上演。
Diana与Max 9岁时随父母相识而相识。在之后的20多年中,他们形同青梅竹马,但却彼此躲躲闪闪,相爱又不敢相认。双方父母失败的婚姻,让两个纯朴天真的小孩谨小慎微,不敢重蹈父母的覆辙。作为一位热爱生活的观众,你将被带入波澜起伏的剧情,为剧中人物的快乐欢笑,为他们的悲伤而悲伤!
扮演该剧女主角Diana的是荣获好莱坞“最佳跨文化表演奖”的亚裔青年演员Vivi Thai, 男主角Max的扮演者是亚特兰大崭露头角的青年喜剧演员Jack Ha。该剧执导是擅长首创新作的著名导演Pam Joyce。
Aurora 剧院精心打造高水平的艺术佳作,竭诚为美东南、佐治亚北部,特别是剧院所在地亚特兰大地区的观众服务。Aurora还推崇多元文化,《两小无猜》是该剧院“跨文化项目”中一颗闪亮的明珠。
Dates/Time 上演时间:
9/7 – 9/30, 2018
Thursday- Saturday at 8 p.m
Saturday and Sunday at 2:30 p.m
Free Parking Deck 免费停车楼:
153 E Crogan St. Lawrenceville, GA 30046
Ticket 门票:Starting at $20
Purchase online 网上购票:
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Emailing reservation 邮件订票:
Theater web 剧院网站:
文/郑冰 资讯来源: Aurora Theatre