【亞特蘭大慈濟關心社區 五月二十三日發放紙口罩】
[日期]: 五月二十三日(星期六)[時間]: 上午 9:00 AM到下午1:00 PM
[地點]: 亞特蘭大會所,2000 Clearview Ave. #100, Doraville GA 30340
[對象]: 社區大眾,不限華人
[方式]: Drive-Through (得來速) ,搖下駕駛座車窗即可,不用下車
[內容]: 車上一人一份(包) ,內有十個紙口罩,一車最多發四份。
[限額]: 總共600份,先到先發,發完為止
【2020.05.23 Tzu Chi Atlanta Branch Face Mask Distribution】
The COVID-19 epidemic continues to spread in Georgia. To protect the health of the public in the Atlanta metropolitan area, the Tzu Chi Atlanta Branch will distribute face masks in the parking lot. We hope everyone can get through the outbreak in a safe and healthy manner.
We will give out the face masks as you drive through, so just roll down the driver side window. For up to 4 people per vehicle, each person in your vehicle is eligible to receive a packet with 10 masks in it. We will prepare a total of 600 packets. The distribution is on a first-come, first-receive basis and will end upon running out of all the packets prepared.
[Date]: May 23rd (Saturday)[Time]: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
[Location]: Tzu Chi Atlanta Branch
[Eligibility]: Open to the general public in our community