
冬天的阳光 - 记明日之光Building Bridges团队的烘焙义卖


2020年11月,美中下一代基金会明日之光公益奖平台正式成立并得到华人社区的积极响应和参与。平台的职责之一是传播各个团队的事迹和经验,共大家学习,交流和参考。明日之光Building Bridges是一个去年由几个高中生成立的团队,目的在于帮助国内中小学生学习英语口语,促进美中学生之间的交流。这篇介绍他们团队的文章是由团队的Elizabeth Tian执笔,伙伴Estelle Shen 和 Stephanie Sun修改而成。希望给其他想成立义工团队的学生和家长一些启发,有心加入团队的学生也可以联系他们。


Sunlight in Winter -- Bake Sale

Written by: Elizabeth Tian

Revised by: Estelle Shen and Stephanie Sun

At the end of 2021, our nonprofit organization, Building Bridges, held a bake sale to raise money for Firewood Collecting Volunteer Team, volunteers who help children by teaching, buying school supplies and essential living supplies, such as clothes and food in Da Liang Shan, China, which is an economically underdeveloped area.

Children in Da Liang Shan, China receive items from Firewood Collecting Volunteer team

2021年底我们的非营利组织 Building Bridges 举办了一场烘焙义卖,为生活在经济不发达地区中国大凉山的贫困儿童筹集资金。此次募捐活动的收益将捐给拾柴义工机构,为那里的孩子们购买生活必需品和学习用品。


On December 27, 2021, Building Bridges came together to start baking macarons and cookies. The process was hard work, but worthwhile in the end. The experience showed how amazing it was to see so many people coming together to help raise money for children. Throughout the process, everything was made sure to be sanitary and followed COVID guidelines.

We made and sold berry and chocolate macarons, sugar cookies, chocolate chip cookies, and butter cookies.

2021 年 12 月 27 日,我们的非营利组织同工们齐聚一堂,一起烘焙马卡龙和饼干。过程很辛苦,但所有的努力都是值得的。十几位同工聚集在一起为贫困孩子筹集资金,我们的经历辛苦但精彩纷呈。整个过程都确保食品卫生并遵循新冠防疫准则。


Overall, the bake sale was successful and demonstrated our team’s cooperation and teamwork. As a result, we made about $300 in profits to donate for the children and sold 118 cookies and macarons to family, friends, and neighbors. We accumulated $600 in donations, leaving us with $700 to donate to the Firewood Collecting Volunteer team and $200 for Building Bridges to keep for website and management costs. We thank those who donated money for this fundraiser to help us accomplish our plan. You are the sunlight in the cold winter, warming up those surrounding us, especially the children in Da Liang Shan, China.

Our donation certificate from Firewood Collecting Volunteer team and some pictures of how they used our donations

总的来说,烘焙销售是成功的,展示了Building Bridges的合作和团队精神。最终我们向家人和朋友出售118个饼干和马卡龙,获得利润大约300美元,并筹集了大约 600 美元捐款。我们将其中的700美元捐给了拾柴义工,留下200美元用于Building Bridges网站的建设和维护。我们感谢为此次筹款活动捐款以帮助我们完成计划的好心人。你们就是冬日之光,照亮温暖了周围的人,特别是远在大凉山的孩子们。


After weeks of planning, baking, and selling, the result proved that the process was efficient and rewarding. This fundraiser was a large undertaking, but demonstrated how thankful we should be for our living conditions and what we take for granted. We should always spread kindness to others, and we will continue to display teamwork and dedication in our future activities as a team and organization.

Building Bridges 筹款团队



明日之光Building Bridges团队:建一座连接你我之桥

如果你有兴趣加入我们的小老师团队,或是想成为学生,欢迎联系我们!Building Bridges随时欢迎新朋友。我们的微信号是buildingbridgesorg,Instagram账号是buildingbridgesorg,email是buildingbridgesteam2021@gmail.com。我们的youtube频道叫Building Bridges,欢迎点击观看。谢谢!





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