北美明日之星青少年公益奖 欢迎参选!你献出的爱心 我们必记在心里!
Sino-USA Next Generation Foundation has recognized that many Chinese American youths have devoted their time, energy and other resources into the activities to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. There has been a critical shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) for healthcare organizations. Many youths have actively engaged in making, collecting, and delivering PPEs to hospitals, nursing homes, and many other facilities. To recognize their great contribution, our Foundation has decided to issue “North American Shine a Light Youth Public Service Award” to all Chinese American youth (elementary, middle, and high school students) who have participated in volunteer activities related to combat Coronavirus pandemic. The recipients will receive an award certificate and a gift certificate from the Foundation. For qualified youth, please fill out the application form and submit it to this email address: scholarships@fornextgen.org by June 30, 2020.
美中下一代教育基金会关注到很多华裔青少年在这次对抗新冠病毒的活动中所做的杰出贡献。由于医疗机构缺乏防护物资,很多青少年自己动手制作并且收集和分发这些防护物资到医院、养老院和其它的机构。为表彰他们的贡献,美中下一代教育基金会决定颁发 “北美明日之星青少年公益奖” 给这些青少年(小学、初中和高中生)。获奖者将得到基金会颁发的奖状和礼物卡。任何参与这些公益活动的青少年都可以申请。申请者请填写申请表格,截止日期是2020年6月30日。