土耳其南部发生芮氏规模7.8地震,强度撼动到叙利亚北部接壤地区,死伤人数不断攀升。慈济基金会立即启动国际人道援助机制,透过土耳其当地慈济志工及结合国际NGO合作伙伴进行援救工作。 请支持慈济“驰援土耳其”,感恩!
At 4:17am local time on February 7, 2023, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake rattled southern Turkey and Syria, with mass destruction and death too.
Tzu Chi volunteers from around the world are mobilizing their disaster response to help with winter blankets and supplies. Locally, Tzu Chi Turkey volunteers are also preparing supermarket gift cards to distribute to survivors to help them purchase food and other basic necessities at nearby markets that have remained intact. Please join us in sending hope to survivors of the Kahramanmaraş earthquake.