心灵之光,可点燃生命的希望 - 明日之光First Step 团队5K募捐活动
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Passcode: 473946
First Step 团队的第一次 5km走路募捐活动
母亲,Michelle Huang:
我以前在Coca Cola 工作,有个女同事的小儿子Collin 出生不久就确诊CF (Cystic Fibrosis 囊肿性纤维化肺病),一种严重的肺病,经常感染,最终会导致肺衰竭不能呼吸。我认识他的时候十几岁吧经常出状况。我亲眼看到一个做母亲的怎样活在经常的恐惧和担忧中,就每年捐几十块钱略尽心意,如此而已。
Annie 七八岁的时候开始和我一起参加Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF 成立于1955年)五公里走路。那年奶奶给她买生日礼物的钱一直没想到要什么,看到那么多人走路募捐她就说钱送给Collin 治病吧。Collin 妈妈专门给她写了感谢信,让她觉得这个钱用的很开心很值得,从此每年生日趴就和大家说不用买礼物了,捐些钱给CFF 吧。每年一次,也没什么特别的。
2019 年年底FDA 终于批准了第一个药, 对大部分患者有效。Collin 幸运地等到了这一天,这时候他已经时好时坏地撑着念完了大学也工作了几年。他妈妈说那个药太神奇了!那种让她痛恨了二十几年的剧烈的咳嗽终于消失了!几个月后Collin 可以一口气爬上Stone Mountain. 他下来以后说我觉得应该开始攒点退休金了。她妈妈就哭了,说孩子以前觉得自己活不了几年,他从来不想明天,毕竟同伴里很多没活过十几岁,他们没有Collin这么幸运,有些都没成年。
这个时候我们才忽然意识到原来我们每年做的这一点点小事真的非常有意义,真的救了很多人的命啊!Collin 妈妈又给Annie 写信说你在我眼里就是天使,没有你这样的天使我儿子就没有今天。这件事给Annie 很大的震撼,上个月CFF Atlanta chapter 负责人采访Annie 的时候她说“知道我们可以共同努力帮助别人真是一件了不起的事情”,所以她注册了First Step team 一起参加每年一次的五公里募捐走路, 真切地希望团队成员和更多的人参与到这项有意义的公益活动中来。First Step team 目前已经募捐 $460.
女儿,Annie Lin 15岁

Annie and her sister Chloe, 12 at the 5k walk
My mother’s friend has a son named Colin who was diagnosed Cystic Fibrosis (CF) when he was a baby. Since we knew them 15 years ago, the family has been living in constant fear of losing Colin, because CF is a terrible disease that attacks the lung and many patients die at young age. When I was about eight years old, I started supporting the organization by joining their annual 5k walk and donating the money I collected as birthday gifts. At that time, I just thought it was nice to help someone in need. Seeing so many people join the walk and donate money was an inspiration. I saw the generosity and good in people, but I did not know how much of a difference our efforts would make.
An effective medicine was approved by FDA in 2019, it was a milestone! In a letter Colin’s mom sent to me, she said it worked like a miracle. She was so happy that Colin’s cough finally went away and he even started planning for retirement, which he never thought he would be able to see. This experience taught me a great lesson and I truly feel that being able to combine our efforts to save so many lives is a wonderful thing. Together, we can really make a difference!