公平无歧视住房法Fair Housing Laws就是房地产交易中的“游戏规则”之一。
因为篇幅的关系,我们不能在这里长篇大论地讨论Fair Housing Laws,我们只讨论它在房产上市方面是如何运用的,搞清楚这个“游戏规则”是怎么玩的,其次才能谈到如何遵守。
我们知道,每年Georgia Association of REALTORS®都要请律师修订房地产文件,我们称之为GAR Form.
2021年的F101 - Exclusive Seller Brokerage Agreement 版本和去年2020 的版本有很大不同。
FMLS Listing has 3 statuses: Register, Coming soon, and Active. FMLS具有3种状态:注册,即将推出和生效。(注:Coming soon 只有15天期限。)
1) For Listing Sale上市销售:
F101 - Exclusive Seller Brokerage Agreement - 独家卖方经纪协议
Starting Date is the date you need to create a Transaction and upload the Exclusive Seller Brokerage Agreement within 72 hours of binding to Paperless Pipeline.
(注:Paperless Pipeline 无纸化管道是我们公司为经纪人提供的交易平台网页,所有的房产交易都要在这里创建并上传合同、文件。)
Marketing Commencement Date is the Active date, you need to list on FMLS within 48 hours to avoid a fine. 营销开始日就是生效日,您需要在48小时内在FMLS上市,避免罚款。
Ending Date is the date the Exclusive Seller Brokerage Agreement goes to expire.
If you made a Coming soon Sign in the front yard of the house or Facebook for advertisement, you need to list ASAP to FMLS within 24 hours to avoid a fine.
2) For Buying / Purchasing 对于购买
Resale: As per policy and procedure, all binding agreements are required to be uploaded within 72 hours of binding to Paperless Pipeline. 二手销售:根据政策和程序,所有具有约束力的协议都必须在签字生效后的72小时内上传到公司的无纸化管道。
For a New Construction对于新建筑:
Since the Contract is from Builder / Seller, you can create a Transaction in Paperless Pipeline first, and add a note/comment/email screenshot as pdf file there to indicate the Singed Contract by the Seller is coming soon. Once an Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Agreement is signed, you have 72 hours to upload it.
If a Seller wants to sell his house but does not know when his house is ready on the market and what price is. You can write TBD (To Be Decided) on the fields of Listing Price and Marketing Commencement Date. 如果卖方想出售他的房屋,但不知道他的房屋何时能准备好上市的具体日子?价格是多少?您可以在“挂牌价格”和“营销开始日期”字段上写TBD(待定)。
After the seller is ready, you can write F728 Amendment to Brokerage Engagement to update them.
Once the Exclusive Seller Brokerage Agreement is signed you have 72 hours to upload it to Paperless Pipeline. 一旦签署了《独家卖方经纪协议》后,您将有72小时的时间将其上传到无纸化管道。
啰啰嗦嗦写了这么多,就是想告诉大家,一旦你签署了《独家卖方经纪协议》,你就要在Marketing Commencement Date 指定的时间,48小时之内在FMLS 公开上市,不允许留在经纪人手中长时间不上市,这主要是防止“暗箱操作”。
Allowing buyers to view the property before the "Active" date is a violation of Fair Housing Laws.
大家应该公平竞争,共同遵守房地产中的游戏规则:公平无歧视住房法Fair Housing Laws。
各房地产公司的Broker,FMLS,Georgia Real Estate Commission (GREC)就是这样的监督机构。
下面是经纪人在FMLS Matrix 上市一栋房产的操作步骤,如果你不是房地产经纪人,可以忽略不看:
Login FMLS 在Matrix 下面找到 My Listings
在Matrix 点击Add/Edit 打开Input
你可以先Register 一个可能上市的房产
或者在这里Edit existing Listings 编辑你已经Register 一个可能上市的房产
你就可以Modify Property 一个Residential Input
注意:当你不打算马上Coming soon, and Active 时,你要Save as Incomplete
在Manage Photos 里上传你整理好的照片
当你Save as Incomplete,系统就会有一个提示:Input Succeeded
你可以打开查看,系统会告诉你,这是一个Incomplete 的Listing
当你下次打算要发出这个Listing, 你可以选择你已经存下的Incomplete 的Listing
有Coming Soon or Active 这2个选项,你Submit Property 这个Listing
系统就会告诉你Input Succeeded
这时你再看你的Listing Status 就从Incomplete 变成了Coming Soon
(注意:Coming soon 只有15天期限。)
在你选的的Coming soon 的那一天,系统会自动激活这个Listing, Status 就从Coming Soon 变成了Active 了。
当你在FMLS 上了Listing, 并且要Active 了以后,如果不是Active, 没有正式发布,那别的网站看不到,只有FMLS 网站的Member 可以看见。
你在FMLS Listing Active 后,你Login 进GMLS 网站,然后你打开Tools-> Ditto, 按照它里面的步骤去做,就可以把FMLS 上的数据拿过来了,可能要加几个GMLS 特别的数据填写好后,就可以发布在GMLS网站上了!
How to input a listing in FMLS & GAMLS
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjCwlQ3nYwg&t=1211s看看上面这个视频,如果你前面的步骤都会了,只要看视频结尾的一点,大概最后5分钟片段就可以知道,如何从FMLS 上把数据用GMLS 网站打开Tools-> Ditto拿过来,在GMLS网站上显示了。
本文作者:亚特兰大资深房地产经纪,著名网络房地产知识撰稿人Willy Rong。
(404) 849-2767 | 微信ID: WillyRong
有一些人虽然不是全职房地产经纪人,但也考取了房地产经纪人执照(Part Time),这篇文章也许对你们有用。😀