教育 | 英语写作的重要性及提高写作兴趣和能力的机会
写作是与人沟通交流中最基本,使用最多的方式之一,也往往是令学生最头痛最抓不住头绪的一项任务。 写作需要很多能力, 其中包括创造性思维能力, 执行能力, 分析能力, 自律能力, 批判性思维, 和观察理解能力等。 同时也培养和锻炼这些能力。 写作好的孩子, 将来和别人讨论问题, 在会议上讲话, 面试回答问题, 都会思路清晰, 孩子将长期受益。
写作在学业中占有非常重要的位置, 无论是完成日常学业,应付标准化考试,或是准备大学申请材料,和将来进入职场,写作技能都是必备的一项基本功。具体说来,高中课程,特别是文科课程有大量的写作要求, AP World History, AP English, AP US History等所有的文科科目全国统考的考试,都需要当场写出3-5篇文章。 SAT考试当场需要写文章。而大学申请文书的写作更是重中之重, 可以说对孩子的大学录取起到关键甚至决定性作用。 大学期间申请各种奖学金、研究经费,申请实习工作,都需要大量写作。熟练掌握写作技巧,将使孩子长期受益。
但是,写作是一项艰难的工作, 孩子自己主动练习写作往往无从下笔,需要极强的兴趣和自制力, 写作的提高又是一个漫长的过程。怎样才能让孩子爱上写作呢?
iLearn World为你提供经济方便的英语写作、 创意写作网络5人小班课—— English Writing, Creative Writing (五到六年级的学生) 和 Debate-Lincoln-Douglas (七到八年级的学生)。
通过鼓励参与,趣味练习来提高学生对英语写作的兴趣,同时锻炼孩子的表达能力, 如果您想了解我们的老师和现有的5人小班课信息,请到 www.ilearnworld.com网站查阅。
1. 由擅长写作和辩论的耶鲁或者哈佛大学学生辅导,请到 www.ilearnworld.com 查看老师信息。
2. 每周1次课, 每次老师会要求学生读一本书和/或者给学生一个作文题目, 学生写好作文, 上课前一天交给老师, 上课时老师带领讨论并给予指导。 价格: $200/10次(3个月)
3. 选择适合的时间和主题 ,请到网站 www.ilearnworld.com 查看现有5人小班课信息。
4. 也欢迎学生找朋友一起上一个小班课, 如果学生A找4个朋友 (加自己5个)一起上课, 学生可以自己商量上课时间, 也有可能自己选择老师, 同时公司也给学生A 50%的优惠。
--From Jade's mother in Alabama
My 8th grade son Jade has been learning essay writing with Kevin at iLearn World for almost two years. Before he was with iLearn World, I tried to convince Jade to read and practice writing more, but always failed. I tried to find essay writing classes, all of them were expensive, short term and inconvenient. One day, a friend recommended iLearn World to me. I liked the one-to-one style and young teachers, so I signed up immediately. After Jade studied with Kevin, he start to read more literature and LOVED writing. Jade told me that Kevin taught him lots of knowledge that his teacher never had time to teach every student. One-to-one training and discussion helped Jade's communication.
Thank you for providing such a great opportunity! It made kids writing an easy task. Jade is always looking forward to the next lesson.
--From Christopher's Mother in New York
Dear Ms Monica and ilearnworld,
Christopher truly enjoyed the lesson. He gave the rating of 99 out of a possible 100. Many advices he got from Ms Monica he has never received from his teachers at school. Christopher really likes reading and writing and hopes he could be a writer someday. The instructions and suggestions are clear, solid and super helpful. Thank you so much for tutoring Christopher and further nurture his interests in writing.
--From Ethan's mother in North Carolina
Hi iLearnworld and Raymond,
We're very grateful to Raymond and you for offering us this opportunity to improve Ethan's writing skills. We cannot thank you both enough for this. Raymond is great Teacher!! He is a patient, inspiring and vastly knowledge person. He introduced the book To Kill a Mockingbird to Ethan and Ethan LOVED it. Ethan read the book when he woke up, when he had a break and whenever he had time. Before this, Ethan was only reading some entry level chapter books. Now he wants to read more historical fiction ones with Raymond. This week he wrote his first long essay about the part one of the book. Ethan was very happy that Raymond inspired him to write a longer essay for the first time
Ethan looks forward to writing more and reading more books with Raymond!
如果有问题, 请Email: ilearnworld.english@gmail.com 或者联系微信号: ilearnworld
《耶鲁之路》, 这本书收集了15个耶鲁录取的大学生的申请文书, 个人简历, 高中课程, 暑假安排, 课外活动及获奖情况。一个个真实的故事, 是帮助你了解 美国名校录取 的 第一手材料。 如果您有兴趣买这本书, 可以扫下面的二维码, 到美国亚马逊购买。
Email: ilearnworld.english@gmail.com