Record of the Year (年度制作)输入单行小标题Adele – HelloBeyoncé – FormationLukas Graham – 7 Years
Rihanna & Drake – Work
Twenty One Pilots – Stressed Out
或设置透明色隐藏☛ 奖项说明Record of the Year is awarded for a single or for one track from an album. This award goes to the performing artist, the producer, recording engineer, and mixer for that song. In this sense, “record” means a particular recorded song, not its composition or an album of songs.一般来说,年度制作更侧重一首作品的编曲和录音制作,获奖对象是演唱该作品的艺人、制作人、录音工程师以及混音DJ。因此,年度制作中的“制作”并不是指作曲或整张专辑的制作,而是指这一首“录制”出来的歌曲。拿科目来类比的话,年度制作更像理科奖项。☛ 获奖作品:Adele - HelloHelloAdele - 25This category is Bee's best bet to block an Adele sweep, though it's possible R&B-favoring voters might split between "Formation" and "Work". The Record of the Year category is about performance and production. Though the tear-triggering vocal swells and haunting echo of "Hello" are hard to dislodge, "Formation" is a massive track, perfect in everything from beat to delivery.该奖项是Beyoncé阻断Adele横扫通类的最大机会,不过R&B爱好者可能会在Formation和Work之间犹豫不决因此导致分票。该奖项注重艺人表演与歌曲制作,显然催人泪下的Hello是最强有力对手。(来源:滚石)Song of the Year (年度歌曲)输入单行小标题Beyoncé – FormationAdele – HelloMike Posner – I Took a Pill in Ibiza
Justin Bieber – Love Yourself
Lukas Graham – 7 Years
或设置透明色隐藏☛ 奖项说明Song of the Year is also awarded for a single or individual track, but the recipient of this award is the songwriter who actually wrote the lyrics and/or melodies to the song. Thus, “song” in this context means the song as composed, not its recording.年度歌曲的提名对象是发行的单曲或专辑中的一首歌曲,该奖项侧重一首作品的填词和谱曲,而非它的编曲和制作。与其叫“年度歌曲”,“年度词曲”这个名称似乎更贴切。如果说年制像理科奖,那年歌妥妥的就是文科奖啦。
☛ 获奖作品:Adele - HelloThis category honors the song as written, rather than the recording we know it by. That means melody takes precedent over rhythm, and that means Adele wins over Beyoncé. Every lyric in “Formation” is a gem, but its chanted chorus isn’t something your average Grammy voter can hum – it requires Beyoncé in order to exist.这个奖项的评选标准是:创作>制作,这就相应地意味着旋律>节奏。Formation字里行间都是精华,但是它的副歌并不是格莱美评选者所常规喜爱的。这就意味着Formation或许会因此落马。(来源:滚石)Album of the Year (年度专辑)输入单行小标题Adele – 25Beyoncé – LemonadeJustin Bieber – Purpose
Drake – Views
Sturgill Simpson – A Sailor’s Guide to Earth
或设置透明色隐藏☛ 奖项说明Album of the Year is awarded for a whole album, and the award is presented to the artist, producer, recording engineer, and mastering engineer for that album. So, in this context, “album” means a recorded collection of songs (a multitrack LP, CD, or download package), not the individual songs or their compositions.年度专辑的提名对象是一整张专辑,获奖对象是该专辑的表演艺人、制作人、录音工程师以及总监(这里的专辑可以是黑胶唱片、CD实体唱片或者虚拟唱片),而非独立的一首歌或他们的创作者。年度专辑往往侧重于作为一张唱片概念的完整性,当然,商业和口碑也是重要的衡量元素。☛ 获奖作品:Adele - 25It's hard to think of Beyoncé as an underdog, but she squares off in almost every major Grammy category this year against a singer who's at least equally beloved – and who sells loads more CDs and downloads. This category is all Adele's. Her 25 LP sold 20 million albums worldwide, and broke single-week sales records in the U.S. – like last year's Album of the Year winner, Taylor Swift's 1989, Adele is keeping these folks in business.很难相信碧昂斯会失败,但是很遗憾,柠檬水今年在主要奖项都撞上了25。25十分类似于去年获得该奖的专辑—1989,它们同属于为音乐市场做出了巨大贡献的重量型专辑。(来源:滚石) Eye-catching Part • 精彩看点水果姐回归首秀新单Katy Perry沉寂近四年,仅在去年释出一首单曲,然而在本月8号无预警释出新单Chained to the Rythem,宣告KP4时代全面到来。不鸣则已,一来就是格莱美级别的打单现场。虽然众所周知你狸一直不受格莱美待见,连续陪跑N年仍旧两首空空,不过这麽棒的打单现场不去白不去嘛。水果的舞美创意感一直满分,狸屎们一定不能错过这次新砖首单的live咯。格莱美现场|Katy Perry首唱 Chained to the RythemGaga继超级碗后再登格莱美
2月6日,Lady Gaga作为邀请嘉宾,登上素有“美国春晚”之称的超级碗中场秀舞台,完美表现为全世界乐迷带来了一场视听飨宴。超级碗上的她变身蜘蛛侠,从房顶一跃而下。作为唯一一位连续两年同时登上超级碗和格莱美的歌手,这次Lady Gaga和金属乐队METALLICA合唱了Moth Into Flame,现场突发尴尬状况,James Hetfield的话筒坏了,后半首和Gaga共用。James最后气到摔了话筒架,扔了吉他。
格莱美现场|Metallica & Lady Gaga激动跳水 Moth Into Flame
Beyonce二度怀孕坚持表演2月6日,Beyoncé在Ins宣布怀孕,发布的孕照成为Ins上第一张点赞数突破一千万的图片。2011年Beyoncé在格莱美献唱Love on Top,完美唱跳高难度歌曲后霸气扔掉话筒,宣布第一次怀孕喜讯还历历在目。Beyonce这次挺着大肚子登场格莱美舞台,表演热单Love Drought和Sandcastles,这绝对是年度最佳现场。格莱美现场|Beyonce怀孕献唱 Love Drought、Sandcastles今年的格莱美就酱落幕了,各位看官看得如何?See you next year (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ