

在美中下一代教育基金会10月2日举办的慈善晚会上,明日之光团队1st Step的队长Annie Lin(林佳音)将利用这个机会向大家提出一个倡议:把家里的空调设置“改变一度”(夏天升高一度,冬天降低一度),在不影响生活质量的前提下节电节气,希望大家踊跃响应。Annie暑假全奖参加了佐州“21世纪领䄂”的关爱地球夏令营 (21st Century Leaders Earth Care Camp),深受启发,一直在思考如何从我做起,并且带动大家把节约能源,改善环境切切实实做起来。下面是Annie的倡议书。

Conserve Energy with Our 1 Degree Campaign

By Annie Lin 林佳音 Junior at North Atlanta High

Calling all people who care!

Do you want to help save the planet but don’t know how or where to start? Do you want to contribute to a collective effort that could change the world for the better? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you should participate in the 1 degree campaign!

Adjust your thermostat 1 degree higher in the summer and 1 degree lower in the winter on air conditioning and heating, you would have taken the first step to being a part of the solution instead of the problem.

By doing so, you will:

  • Save energy
  • Save money
  • Protect environment with less carbon emissions
  • Help energy companies lower operation costs during peak time

Ever feel it is too cold in the office in summer? Talk to your boss, make everyone in the building more comfortable by raising the temperature setting on the thermostat! When a business owner joins the campaign, he/she makes a bigger impact than individuals do!

Let’s scan the code below, give your signature and make the pledge today. Help conserving energy, protecting the environment, saving the earth – the only home for all of us.

节约能源 从我做起 – One Degree Campaing

林佳音        Junior at North Atlanta High










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