大选专题 | Kelly Stewart 你一定认识,但她提出的六项措施你不一定了解!
“我参加州议会(State House)竞选,是希望可以让我们更成功、更强大、更安全!”
点击查看《亚城华裔聚集区众议员候选人,众多华人力挺的Kelly Stewart,你一定要认识!》
点击查看 《众多华裔看好的佐州50区众议员候选人Kelly Stewart的五个承诺你知道几个?》
点击查看 《亚城华人力挺的众议员候选人Kelly Stewart的三项举措 你赞同吗?》
Fort Knox, NORAD Cave,白宫, Area 51, 空军一号, 纽约联邦储备银行, ADX Florence监狱, 五角大楼, 国家安全局总部和中央情报局总部获得了美国最安全大楼的殊荣。
- 全面资助优质基础教育"Quality Basic Education"(QBE)方案,以便当地学校理事会从州政府获得资金投资安全计划
- 全面保护校园、校舍和校车
- 取消学校的“无枪区”标示
- 为员工和学生开展安全培训计划
- 制定响应式学习计划,以阻止欺凌(bullying)、愤怒和虐待
- 与精神健康机构合作,为患有精神疾病的学生提供服务
- 我致力于让佐治亚州成为保护学校、学生和员工的典范
你花了一辈子的时间有了这么一个属于自己的家,为你的家人付出,你不应该还要担心如何更安全的过日子。Kelly的祖父和叔叔就是在执行公务时牺牲的,他们两人在执法方面都有着杰出的职业生涯。她非常了解第一急救者(first responders)所作出的牺牲,他们会得到Kelly全力的支持。
Kelly知道执法人员每天都要面对什么,她将努力为这些第一急救者所有他们所需的支持,以确保Johns Creek的第一急救者接受应有的训练和设备,为保证我们的安全而做好充分的准备。Kelly致力于维护Johns Creek较高的生活标准和生活品质。
- 联邦政府 —— 联邦政府正在通过多个机构解决这场全国性危机,并推出70多项立法,将重心关注在对阿片类药物的认知、预防、治疗、康复和犯罪。
- 地方政府 —— 地方政府正在通过执法来应对这一危机,向第一急救者提供解毒药物,开创危机热线并建立药物丢弃盒以丢弃未使用和过期的处方药。
- 州政府 —— 在处方药阿片类药物过量的发生率最高的州排名中,佐治亚州排第十一名。作为一个州,应对这场危机都需要付出相应的代价。
- 针对这场危机不做出应对措施将增加州政府的开销
- 更多的犯罪和监禁人数将会增加刑事司法的开销
- 更多人患有成瘾性疾病
- 在使用经认可的持证药物康复或防止药物滥用中心时,将为佐治亚州的家庭提供税收抵免。在不开设州项目的情况下,这将允许家庭可以使用自己的资金应对这场危机。
- 资助佐治亚州处方药滥用预防倡议(GPDAPI),通过注重教育、宣传、安全储存、安全处置和执法来预防和减少佐治亚州处方药滥用情况。
- 地方、州、联邦机构合作,共同应对这场危机。
- 对贩毒者和滥开处方药的医生判处更高的罚款,更严厉的出发和更高的刑法。
我们将会继续为您报道有关Kelly Stewart的其他政见,请继续关注。
Kelly is opposed to sanctuary cities and counties that harbor illegal immigrants from being deported. She will make certain any city or county in Georgia doesn’t receive state funding and believes in holding those accountable who break our laws. It is unconscionable some elected leaders would rather protect criminal, illegal aliens who have committed violent crimes than protect those they were elected and sworn to serve, our families. Kelly supports efforts to overturn local sanctuary policies that violate immigration laws and put Georgians at risk.
When I was in elementary school and it was time for recess, the girls played hopscotch, rode the merry-go-rounds, and would swing while the boys played cops and robbers with their toy guns they brought to school. We were playing and no one hurt another. Never once did my parents worry about my well-being or safety when I was in school. Ever.
Things are different today. Evil knows no bounds and hatred has no restraints. Think back to the first recorded murder in history. Cain killed Abel. While we don’t know what Cain used to kill his brother, some speculate it was a rock or knife. It doesn’t matter because anything can be made a weapon when it is conceived by an evil mind intended on causing violence and death. Our problem is a condition of the heart with a lack of moral clarity and values not guns.
One only has to look at Chicago, Detroit, and Baltimore to understand cities with the toughest gun laws have the worst gun violence. It is devastating and tragic. Compare these three cities to one of Georgia’s safest cities which requires its citizens own a gun. The law of the city of Kennesaw states “every head of household residing in the city limits is required to maintain a firearm.” This law was passed to deter crime. As a result, Kennesaw has only had one murder in the last six years and has a violent crime rate below 2%.
Fort Knox, NORAD Cave, The White House, Area 51, Air Force One, The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, The ADX Florence Prison, The Pentagon, NSA Headquarters, and CIA Headquarters have received the distinction of being one of the top 10 most secured buildings in the USA.
My desire is for Georgia’s schools to receive that same distinction rather than being listed as a “Gun Free Zone” which puts a bullseye target on schools for those who are evil and intend to cause hurt and damage. Nothing in this world is more important than protecting human life and keeping children safe when they go to school.
Serving on the School Board for the Department of Juvenile Justice, I have seen firsthand how DJJ’s facilities are protected, safe, and secure with fences, towers, armed guards, scanners, controlled doors, and cameras. As a result, no one can storm these facilities and there has never been a school shooting at a DJJ facility.
As an ardent defender and supporter of the Second Amendment, the solution to making schools safer is not passing gun control laws. You cannot legislate evil by taking away the rights of law abiding citizens granted to them by the Second Amendment.
The solution to making schools safer is not labeling them “Gun Free Zones.” This does nothing but invite a devasting, deadly attack by one who has evil thoughts to harm those unprotected, vulnerable, and defenseless.
I am committed to ensuring Georgia’s schools are the safest places in the world by working on six initiatives.
Fully funding the Quality Basic Education (QBE) formula so local school boards receive money from the state to invest in safety initiatives
Wholly protecting, securing, and safeguarding school grounds, buildings, and buses
Eliminating school designations as “Gun Free Zones”
Implementing safety training programs for staff and students
Developing responsive learning programs that deter bullying, anger, and abuse
Partnering with mental health agencies to provide services for students suffering with mental illness
I am committed to making Georgia the model for how to protect schools, students, and staff.
You work a lifetime to build a home and provide for your family and you shouldn’t have to worry about keeping either safe. Kelly lost her grandfather and uncle in the line of duty, both of whom had distinguished careers in law enforcement. She knows personally the sacrifices first responders make and will give them the support they need.
Kelly knows what our law enforcement personnel face every day. She will work to provide all of the support to keep our Johns Creek first responders trained, equipped, and prepared to keep us safe. Kelly is committed to maintaining Johns Creek’s high standards and quality of life.
Governor Deal appointed Kelly to serve on the Board of Directors for the Department of Juvenile Justice to help implement criminal justice reform.
We are a nation of immigrants and will always be welcoming to those who come to our country and state legally. Different cultures must respect and abide by our laws and we will hold those accountable who break our laws. No radical religious rules can ever supersede our laws and order.
There is a right way and a wrong way to enter our country. Those who enter our country and come to our state illegally drive up taxpayer costs for education, law enforcement, and public healthcare through Medicaid. Georgia’s taxpayers who pay their taxes honestly shouldn’t be responsible for shouldering the tax burden for those who are here illegally.
We must reform welfare to address illegal immigration as too many are dependent on our government services. We must not fund sanctuary cities or counties. We must ensure businesses utilize E-verify to not hire those here illegally. We must stop non-citizens from voting in our elections. Considering the significant and disastrous impacts of illegal immigration, Kelly is committed to making illegal immigration law enforcement measures and policies a high priority.
Opioids are prescription drugs that relieve pain including morphine, hydrocodone, oxycodone, methadone, and fentanyl. There is also an illegal opioid with the street name, heroin.
The Opioid crisis is a domestic public health emergency, top national priority, and the leading cause of deaths of those under the age of 50. On average, 115 Americans die each day from an opioid overdose. The abuse of opioids is the deadliest drug overdose crisis in US history destroying families, devastating communities, and requiring the involvement of all three levels of the government, law enforcement, first responders, health insurance companies, and medical professionals.
Federal Government – The federal government is addressing this nationwide crisis through multiple agencies and by introducing more than 70 pieces of legislation focused on awareness, prevention, treatment, recovery, and crime.
Local Government – Local governments are responding to this epidemic through law enforcement, arming first responders with antidote drugs, creating crisis hotlines, and establishing drug drop boxes to discard unused and expired prescriptions.
State Government – Georgia ranks 11 for states with the most prescription opioid overdoses. As a state, there is a cost to dealing and not dealing with this crisis.
Not dealing with this crisis will result in increased costs to the state through
More crime and incarcerations driving up the costs for criminal justice
More children being placed in foster care, the second leading cause behind neglect
More people with addictive diseases
Kelly supports the state dealing with this crisis by
Providing Georgia’s families a tax credit when using an accredited, licensed drug rehabilitation or substance abuse center. This will allow families to deal with this crisis privately using their own funds without creating a state program.
Funding the Georgia Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Initiative (GPDAPI) to prevent and reduce prescription drug abuse in Georgia by focusing on education, advocacy, safe storage, secure disposal, and enforcement.
Collaboration of local, state, and federal agencies working together to combat this crisis
Larger fines, stronger penalties, and increased sentences for drug traffickers and pill mill doctors