下面这篇文章是由明日之光First Step发起者Annie Lin(林佳音)讲述她和妹妹Chloe Lin(林青青)及朋友们如何度过一个难忘的夏天。
林佳音 (英文作者) 林青青 (中文翻译)
This summer, my family and I stayed at the Skidaway Institute of Oceanography (SKIO) near Savannah where my mom had her sabbatical. I was away from Atlanta and my First Step team; however, it did not stop me and my sister Chloe from joining our friends remotely to pick up trash on the campus. The small amount of garbage there pleasantly surprised us. The students, faculty and staff of SKIO must have a great sense of protecting the environment of their campus and keeping it clean.
今年夏天,因为妈妈在Savannah附近的Skidaway海洋学院作访问学者,我们全家在那里住了两个月。虽然离开了亚特兰大和First Step团队,但是这并没有阻止我和妹妹Chloe远程加入我们的朋友,通过捡拾校园里的垃圾来清洁环境。我们很高兴地发现那里的垃圾非常少, 海洋学院的学生和教职员工们一定都很有保护校园清洁环境的意识。
We also went to Cumberland Island, which is one of the barrier islands along Georgia coast. On the island, we saw wild horses, ruins of an old mansion, and a beautiful pristine beach. There are no dumpsters on Cumberland Island, all visitors are required to pack up their trash and bring it back. Although the park rangers clearly explained the rules, we still found quite some trash, mostly food packaging under the boardwalk and around picnic tables. Angela, Sophie, Chloe and I collected two big bags. Unfortunately, we could not do more because we had to catch the ferry boat back.
我们还去了Cumberland岛。在岛上,我们看到了野马、古宅遗址和美丽的原始海滩。Cumberland岛上没有垃圾箱,所有游客都必须把垃圾打包并带回去。尽管州立公园的工作人员清楚地解释了规则,但我们仍然发现了一些垃圾,主要是木板路下和野餐桌周围的食品包装。Angela, Sophie, Chloe和我一路走一路收集了两个大袋子。可惜的是,因为我们不得不赶回渡船,所以没时间多捡。
Compared with Cumberland Island, Tybee Island beach is much more populated because it is a shorter drive from Savannah. When Shawn and Shana’s family came to visit us, we went to play on the south beach of Tybee Island. We saw many people and lots of trash too! We collected a few bags of cans, cups, bottles, straws and abandoned plastic toys in just half an hour.
Angela, Sophie, Chloe and I also went to downtown Savannah to raise money for the Salvation Army. We put on a show at the riverfront. Chloe and I played violin, Sophie played flute, and Angela sang a few songs. Many people showed their appreciation and donated money, and we raised $32. Some of us were a little nervous at the beginning but soon became comfortable. Really, it was fun to be with friends, and I felt great when we brought out the generosity in people.
Angela, Sophie, Chloe和我还去了Savannah市中心为Salvation Army筹集资金。我们在河边表演节目:我和Chloe拉小提琴,Sophie吹长笛,Angela唱了几首歌。许多人表示感谢并捐款,我们一共筹集了 32 美元。刚开始我们都有点紧张,但很快就适应了。真的,和朋友们在一起总是特别有趣也不害怕。当我们把人们的慷慨和善良带动出来的时候,我感觉很棒。
I had another very special volunteer experience this summer: I was a junior counselor at the Oatland Island Wildlife Center summer camp. I worked with a group of kids in 2nd and 3rd grade. My job was to help the teacher by preparing materials, organizing activities, and making sure all kids were together and safe when we were outdoors on a trail. Sometimes the job can be challenging because not all kids listened, but working with kids is actually quite rewarding. I remember one day I bought some fish food with my own money and distributed them among some of the kids. They had so much fun feeding the turtles and fish in a pond, and I was so satisfied watching them laughing and playing. Of course, I did it again the next day!
It was an unforgettable summer, because I contributed my service and I learned a lot.