
Latoya Watkins testified Thursday that her son was in a foul mood when she picked him up from Westside High School on Friday, Feb. 2, 2018.
拉 托亚·沃特金斯周四作证称,2018年2月2日周五(案发当天),当她从西区高中接儿子时,他心情看起来很不好。
Later, at their house on Westmount Road, Kevon Watkins, who had been playing a game on Xbox, changed the password to the family Wi-Fi because of a slow connection due to the number of people in the house using it.
Latoya Watkins said her 13-year-old son came into her bedroom and told her what Kevon Watkins, then 16, had done. Then, the fatal confrontation unfolded.
拉托亚·沃特金斯说,她13岁的儿子来到她卧室,告诉了她当时16岁的凯文的所作所为。 然后,那场致命的对抗就展开了。
▲ ‘Chaos was empowered’ in home of teen sentenced for killing sister over Wi-Fi, judge says (via macon.com)

A dispute ensued, and the teen’s sister, Alexus Breanna Watkins, 20, came to her mother’s aid after fearing her brother would become physical with their mother, according to the District Attorney.
一场争执随之而起。根据地区检察官的说法,凯文的姐姐,20岁的Alexus Breanna Watkins,担心弟弟会对妈妈动手,过来帮助她。
The siblings began to fight, and their mother called for help when she couldn’t separate them, testimony said.
Kevon Watkins held his sister in a chokehold for about 15 minutes. When he finally released his sister upon a deputy’s commands, she fell to the floor. She was pronounced dead at a local hospital.
凯文掐住姐姐的脖子长约15分钟。 最终在一名副警长的命令下他才松开手,而姐姐却瞬间倒在了地板上。随后 当地一家医院宣布她死亡。
▲ Teen gets life in prison for strangling sister during dispute over WiFi password (via Pix11)
His litter brother had also called 911 on him, calling Kevon 'crazy'.
凯文的小弟弟也打了911报警,说哥哥 “疯了”。
'When he called, he said the following: "My brother is trying to hit my mother."' The dispatcher asked, "Is he on medication." And the 13-year-old said, "No. He’s just crazy. … He put her in a chokehold, threatening to beat my mom trying to get him off my sister,"' Bibb Superior Court Judge Verda M. Colvin said at the sentencing.
法官Verda M.Colvin在判决时说,“打电话的时候,他是这样说的:‘ 我哥哥要打我妈妈 。’” 调度员问:' 他有服用药物吗?'这个 13岁的男孩说,'不,他只是疯了 …他把姐姐脖子勒住,我妈妈要把他拉开,他却威胁说要打她。'”
▲ Georgia teen is sentenced to life in prison for strangling his sister, 20, to death after siblings fought over the WiFi password (via Dailymail)




资料:macon.com, pix11, dailymail, Twitter
图:macon.com, pix11, dailymail, Twitter, Facebook