2017年乔治亚大学 UGA 申请文书的题目,以及UGA的简介
乔治亚大学 (UGA - University of Georgia)历史悠久,是坐落在佐治亚州雅典市 (Athens)的一所公立大学。雅典市离亚特兰大市区大致两个小时的车程。下面是2017年乔治亚大学申请文书题目(中英对照) 四则。
UGA\'s First Year Odyssey Program offers more than 300 seminar courses for new freshmen. Some examples include "The History of Horseracing", "Einstein and the Theories of Relativity" and "The Zombie Plague" (Full listing here). If you could create your own seminar course at UGA in any subject area that interested you, what would it be? What would the course be named and what would you hope to learn? Please write your response in the style of the UGA First Year Odyssey deions as seen on their website.(NOTE:In the space provided please address the following topic in a response of 150-200 words. Please choose one of the following questions to answer (different from Essay C below)
Describe a problem, possibly related to your area of study, which you would like to solve. Explain its importance to you and what actions you would take to solve this issue.(NOTE:In the space provided please address the following topic in a response of 150-200 words. Please choose one of the following questions to answer (different from Essay B above))
Tell us an interesting or amusing story about yourself that you have not already shared in your application.(NOTE:In the space provided please address the following topic in a response of 150-200 words. Please choose one of the following questions to answer (different from Essay B above))
UGA\'s First Year Odyssey Program offers more than 300 seminar courses for new freshmen. Some examples include "The History of Horseracing", "Einstein and the Theories of Relativity" and "The Zombie Plague" (Full listing here). If you could create your own seminar course at UGA in any subject area that interested you, what would it be? What would the course be named and what would you hope to learn? Please write your response in the style of the UGA First Year Odyssey deions as seen on their website.(NOTE:In the space provided please address the following topic in a response of 150-200 words. Please choose one of the following questions to answer (different from Essay B above))
乔治亚大学开设79种学位项目,每年招收26000多名本科生和9000多名研究生。该校在《2011美国新闻与世界报道》的全美公立研究型大学排第18位, 其传播学院与公共行政学院更为全美最顶尖的五所学校之一, 并为美国电视花生人奖(peabody Awards)的主办大学, 被誉为美国南方三所公立常春藤大学之一。
乔治亚大学拥有不少历史建筑群与美国南方特色建筑, 大部分皆座落于南与北校园, 除了传统历史建筑外, 最近十几年乔治亚大学不断的扩建硬件设备, 包括新的学生活动中心, 学生学习中心,大学艺术博物馆及演奏厅和全新的新学生宿舍。
乔治亚大学位于佐治亚州东北部的雅典城(Athens),距州府亚特兰大90公里,是全美国最大的大学城之一。乔治亚州农业很发达,旅游业也很盛, 每年由州外之地来此游乐的人, 花费多至四亿美元。雅典城附近为幅员辽阔的森林,十分潮湿。这里气候变化明显,夏天为潮湿的天气,平均温度摄氏20度-32度。冬天气候干冷,会到摄氏零度左右。雅典城每年有许多艺术文化的盛宴,生活便利,课业之余可以参观城内的博物馆、艺术馆,或是从事户外的休闲游憩活动。
乔治亚大学(University of Georgia)在美国大学排名2016为综合排名第61名。