APS雅博领英孩童公众演讲 招募青少年义工和学员报名通知
- 亚城第一家为华二代打造的演讲训练营
ABOVE Public Speaking (ABOVE or APS) 是一个专门为亚城“华二代”服务的非盈利教育机构。ABOVE致力于提高华人孩子们(Pre-K到8年级)的演讲能力,领英才能,锻炼社交技巧和自信心。从2016年10月发展至今短短的10个月中,APS已经建立了系统专业的培训内容,并且吸收了多达20多人的强大师资团队,在九个班级里帮助了近百位孩童受众。
在这里,你会得到鼓励,抛开害羞侃侃而谈。在这里,孩子们可以告别紧张和局促不安,说出自己心底的话语,那是埋藏许久不敢说的话。在这里,他们能接触到不同的人交到朋友,听到很多新颖的观点并能激发自己的创新能力。2017年5月中旬,APS的夏季汇报演出舞台下座无虚席。四年级的Zelin 在百余人面前由衷地向老师们鞠躬致谢,坦言在APS受益匪浅。5月底,APS首开儿童心理讲座。请来了儿童心理学博士,Fulton小学系统心理辅导,作家 Dr. Donna Gardner。现场30位学生们模拟如何对应校园中的各种隐形 bullying 问题。活动好评如潮!
第一,教案编写组,这是APS的核心团队。教案组一位老师来自加州,她多年有Toastmaster Youth培训的经验,也长期开课教公众讲演。另外一位老师是有近20年大学教授并且长期公众演讲的经验,拥有教育学院硕士和博士学位,因为她的硕士主修教案编写,所以非常适合开发教案。我们最新的一位教案老师原来是大学辩论队队员,也拥有丰富的现场经验。此外,教案组的老师们都是附近 Toastmaster International 的固定成员。
APS中间有四位老师于2017年年初接受了CNN 16年头条新闻主播 Sachi Koto 女士的演讲集中训练。
我们的地址在:10450 Medlock Bridge Road, GA 30097 (晨兴舞蹈学校对面,141西侧)
第一, Toastmaster International 青少年俱乐部
2017年8月,APS已经成功申请并成立了位于Johns Creek核心地带的 Toastmaster International 青少年俱乐部 - ABOVE Public Speaking Youth Club. 该俱乐部面向所有8岁到17岁的会员,将于每月第四个周日下午4点半在ACP所在地点进行演讲现场展示。Toastmasters International(TI/国际演讲会)是一个非盈利的教育组织,致力于提高会员的演讲技巧、沟通技巧以及领导力。它成立于1924年,总部位于美国加州。目前,该组织在全球范围内已遍布135个国家,拥有15400余个演讲俱乐部,俱乐部会员数量超过30万余人。Toastmasters International秉承“从实践中学习”的精神,为会员提供一个学习环境,以契合自身的发展目标。该教育计划一分为二——沟通力成长路径(Communication Track)和领导力成长路径(Leadership Track),会员们可以通过参加俱乐部活动、做演讲、担任会议角色和不同级别的官员来一步步发展沟通力和领导力。
第二,公众演讲领英 (Leadership & Success) 训练
公众演讲领英 (Leadership & Success) 训练将继续针对 pre-k 到8年级学生,并有以下的主要教学内容
- 新增TED演讲分析学:分析美国TED演讲系列的方法
- 在以下的具体方向辅助孩子们练习:voice force, palm gestures, body postures, detailed description, engagement, tonality, eye contact, feet & walking, acting gestures, audience participation, courage, & facial expression;
- 大幅扩展演讲种类,包括以下类型:specialist speech, teacher speech, leader speech, storyteller speech, director speech, salesman speech, debater speech, entertainer speech, motivator speech, caregiver speech, healer speech
第三,读书与辩论会 (Debating vs. Reading)
- 将主动阅读与演讲结合起来,每周有必读书目,针对已有的阅读进行辩论
-成立国际梵登读书会Johns Creek分会,共同发展家长阅读线上和线下活动;
1. 领英公众讲演小老师:美国高中生,可接受老师训练,和各班成人老师一起教公众讲演课;需要9名
2. 领英讲座组织者:初高中生,负责举办各种领英培训讲座,需要5名
3. 常驻辩论队成员/领队:初高中生,热爱阅读,有一定公众演讲能力,需要5~8名
4. 领英演讲课程编写:美国高中生,参与教案编写,要有一定的leadership基础,需要2名
5. Toastmaster聚会组织者:固定轮流担当Toastmaster聚会的各种组织角色,需要5名
6. 读书会组织者:带领小孩子们固定每周读书,需要8名
7. 梵登读书会线下活动组织者:帮助梵登读书会线下聚会,需要3名
APS继续接受学生报名-Pre-k to 8th Grade
3:30 - 4:30 Sundays: 3 years - pre-K
3:30 - 4:30 Sundays: Kindergarten - 1st Grade, Class A
3:30 - 4:30 Sundays: 2nd - 3rd Grade, Class A
4:30 - 5:30 Sundays: 2nd - 3rd Grade, Class B
4:30 - 5:30 Sundays: 4 - 5th Grade, Class A
4:30 - 5:30 Sundays: 6 - 8th Grade, Class B
4:30 读书辩论会(every second Sunday)
4:30 Toastmaster Youth Meeting (every fourth Sunday)
5:30 - 6:30 Kindergarten - 1st Grade, Class B
5:30 - 6:30 Sundays: 4 - 5th Grade, Class B
5:30 - 6:30 Sundays: 6 - 8th Grade, Class B
5:30 Leadership & Success (every second Sunday)
5:30 Debating Team meeting
5:30 梵登读书会(成人)
ABOVE Public Speaking
ABOVE Public Speaking, Inc. is a non-profit organization designed to promote public speaking skills among young kids and youth. Located in Johns Creek area of Georgia, our speech and leadership programs teach public speaking and listening, critical thinking, and research, and enhances the students’ ability to apply these to their subjects of interest.
We believe that the earlier we prepare our children for public speaking, the easier it gets. APS provides students, from pre-k to 8th graders, early exposure to public speaking to gain high levels of self-confidence, innovation, and leadership in their lives.
Since October 2016, APS has offered public speaking classes to more than one hundred students, who have already taken advantage of the resources and trainings offered by APS. With a team of about twenty adult teachers and three professional instructional and curricular designers, APS has made significant improvement among our students, who have obviously become more expressive. We encourage students to give as many speeches as they want with scaffolded teaching structure. In addition, a series of activities were hosted by APS in the past 10 months, which include theatre performances, book reading clubs, pediatric psychologists’ seminars, etc..
Our Address is:10450 Medlock Bridge Road, GA 30097
Right now, APS is making the following expansion as followings:
A. Registered and formed an International Toastmaster Youth Gavel Club in Johns Creek, which meets every fourth Sunday of the month, which is:
- To help its members improve their abilities to communicate effectively
- To provide for its members instructions, educational materials and opportunities, which will give them skill and experience in the preparation and delivery of speeches
- To encourage its members to read and to listen analytically
- To provide its members fair and constructive evaluation of their efforts toward self-improvement
- To increase its members’ knowledge of the rules of parliamentary procedure and their skills in conducting meetings and participating in group discussions
- To afford leadership training for its members
- To provide opportunities and encouragement for its members to appear before audiences and to express their thoughts creditably
B. Continue in our endeavors in public speaking, leadership, and success programs of teaching:
- Enrich our curriculum design of public speaking teaching so as the cover the following contents: voice force, palm gestures, body postures, detailed description, engagement, tonality, eye contact, feet & walking, acting gestures, audience participation, courage, & facial expression.
- Create diversity for the training purposes, which include but do not limit to, specialist speech, teacher speech, leader speech, storyteller speech, director speech, salesman speech, debater speech, entertainer speech, motivator speech, caregiver speech, healer speech.
- Form a Leadership program in which local high school students may volunteer and serve the community of local youth, in the form of seminars and events about leadership and social community development.
C. Form Reading Clubs and Debating Teams
- For kids under 3rd Grade, we have Sparks Reading Club that help them form good habits of reading;
- For kids of 3rd Grade and above, we form Magic Power debate team with reading clubs;
- We Collaborate with the international Fandeng Reading Club to promote book reading among adults and adolescents.
APS Needs Youth Volunteers
We are currently in need of more youth volunteers in all of our expansion areas. As a non-profit organization, we may certify our youth volunteers in their hours to report. We need the following roles to be filled as soon as possible:
- public speaking teachers (for kids under 5th grade)
- youth leadership program organizers
- debating teachers (for kids between 2nd and 8th grades)
- curriculum designers
- social media organizers
- toastmaster leaders
- reading club facilitators
- office works
If you are interested, please sign up from the link below by August 27th. At 4:30pm August 27th, we will host interviews and announce the result immediately.
*Website Volunteer Signup
APS Students Signup
Our 2017 Fall Enrollment is still undergoing. All pre-ks to 8th graders are welcome to take classes with us. We meet every other Sunday between 3:30 and 6:30. Tuition for August - December 2017 is $100.
3:30 - 4:30 Sundays: 3 years - pre-K
3:30 - 4:30 Sundays: Kindergarten - 1st Grade, Class A
3:30 - 4:30 Sundays: 2nd - 3rd Grade, Class A
4:30 - 5:30 Sundays: 2nd - 3rd Grade, Class B
4:30 - 5:30 Sundays: 4 - 5th Grade, Class A
4:30 - 5:30 Sundays: 6 - 8th Grade, Class B
4:30 Reading & Debating(every second Sunday)
4:30 Toastmaster Youth Meeting (every fourth Sunday)
5:30 - 6:30 Kindergarten - 1st Grade, Class B
5:30 - 6:30 Sundays: 4 - 5th Grade, Class B
5:30 - 6:30 Sundays: 6 - 8th Grade, Class B
5:30 Leadership & Success (every second Sunday)
5:30 Debating Team meeting
*Join Wechat ABOVE Public Speaking Group 2
By clicking the left image and scan QR code in wechat. Group 1 cannot take new members through scanning with about 180 members already.
*Website Volunteer Signup