Nancy生活馆 |年年有鱼 - 新年之际三款简易美味的全鱼做法 (下)
(三) 柠檬酸豆蒸鱼和烤鱼|意大利吃法
Lemon Caper Steamed Fish
柠檬酸豆/ Lemon & Caper
Caper中文叫小酸豆,其实不是豆子,是一种花苞,通常都是腌成酸味儿的。是意大利餐做海鲜常用的调料品。 小瓶装的在美国一般店都可以买到。我正好有这次从意大利带了一些盐裹着的回来。因为那里的人吃这个就跟咱们中国人吃萝卜干一样的讲究哪里的好吃。Caper和柠檬是经常会配在一起用来做汁的。这个调料我用来烤鱼比较多,但是鱼新鲜直接蒸也很好吃。
Caper, known as "small sour beans" in Chinese, is not actually a bean but a type of flower bud that is typically pickled to give it a tangy flavor. It is a common ingredient in Italian cuisine, especially for seafood dishes. Small jars of capers are readily available in most stores across the U.S. I happened to bring some back from Sicily, preserved in salt, as people there are just as particular about the origin and quality of capers as we Chinese are about pickled radishes. Capers and lemons are often paired together to make sauces.
原料 Ingredients
- 鲈鱼,鳟鱼,或红鲷鱼 1 条,约 1.5 磅 | 1 sea bass or trout or red snapper (about 1.5 LB)
- 柠檬皮和柠檬汁 1 个柠檬的外皮和汁 | Zest and juice of 1 lemon
- 小酸豆 (Caper) 1 汤匙 | 1 tbsp capers
- 橄榄油 2 汤匙 | 2 tbsp olive oil
- 蒜 2-3 瓣,切碎 | 2-3 cloves garlic, minced
- 姜丝 1 茶匙 | (用姜不是意大利做法,但我觉得这里加鲜姜很合适)1 tsp shredded ginger (optional, but works beautifully here)
- 白胡椒粉 1/4 茶匙 | 1/4 tsp white pepper (black pepper is fine too)
- 盐 1/2 茶匙 | 1/2 tsp salt
- 百里香 | Fresh thyme, optional
- 小米辣红椒 1 只 鲜的或急冻的 (如果不喜欢辣可以不用), | 1 bird red chili, fresh or frozen, optional
- 西西里甜红椒 1/3 茶匙 (可选) | 1/3 tsp Sicilian red sweet pepper, optional
- 樱桃番茄 用于装饰和烘烤增味 | Cherry tomatoes for garnish and flavor during baking
caper 在美国基本都是瓶装泡在腌制的水里。但是意大利有好多是埋在海盐里的。
In the U.S., capers are mostly sold in jars preserved in brine. However, in Italy, many are packed in sea salt instead.
Caper, 蒜,柠檬和海鲜真的是绝配!如果没有其他的就这三样就足够做出美味的海鲜来了。
Capers, garlic, lemon, and seafood are truly a perfect match! Even without any other ingredients, these three alone are enough to create delicious seafood dishes.
柠檬皮削下可以最大限度的增加柠檬香气 Using the lemon zest maximizes the lemon fragrance.
Using the Thermomix for making sauces is very convenient, but any blender can be used.
步骤 Directions:
- 将蒜末、橄榄油、小酸豆(caper),柠檬皮和柠檬汁混合打碎拌匀。
- 将姜丝和柠檬皮丝填入鱼肚中。
- 将调好的汁浇在鱼身上即可。
- Mix olive oil, lemon juice, lemon zest,capers, garlic, and a pinch of salt into a dressing.
- Stuff ginger and lemon zest into the fish. Pour dressing over. Steam for 9 minutes.
- Serve with fresh thyme garnish.
蒸汽烤箱 9 分钟就好了。
鲈鱼,鳟鱼, 鳕鱼,红鲷鱼烤箱方便做法
我发现做鱼在烤箱里烤鱼是最为容易把握的做法。前面的步骤1 基本相似。这里只是多加一些樱桃小西红柿。如果没有西红柿,也可以加新鲜香草和柠檬片。
烤箱方法步骤 | Baking Style Instructions
- 制作酱汁 | Prepare the Dressing
Same as the steam version steps 1 - 处理鱼身 | Coat the Fish
Generously coat the dressing inside and outside the fish. Add a couple of ginger slices and lemon slices inside the cavity.
I made many different times, sometime if I have mushroom I'll add in as well.
Red snapper and sea bass deliver exceptionally good flavor when baked.
3. 包裹鱼身 | Wrap the Fish
Wrap each fish individually in foil. Before sealing, place a few cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, and extra thyme on top for enhanced flavor.
4. 烤制 | Bake
烤箱预热至 400°F(200°C)。将每条包好的鱼平放在烤盘中,烤 20 分钟即可。
Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C). Lay each wrapped fish flat on a baking tray and bake for 20 minutes.
The fish meat is easy to remove. I still follow the tradition and make sure not to flip the fish; instead, I finish one side, remove the bones, and then eat the other side.