




這名婦女叫Elaine Williams,47歲。到Williams被捕時,她的廣告已經在Craigslist「寶貝和童趣」欄目上貼出了多達12天,標題是「為新生嬰兒準備了一個家」。該廣告稱 「旨在提供一個充滿愛的家庭給不被需要的新生兒。」廣告要求提供寶寶的出生證明和健康記錄,而且還指出不要殘疾兒童,甚至還提供了其他可以收留殘疾兒童的地方的信息。


An elderly woman who took a shortcut home through a rubbish tip and who thought she heard an abandoned puppy whimpering inside a cardboard box discovered an abandoned newborn baby instead. Kamila Musabekova, 69, said that because of the cold she had decided to walk through the dump to get back to her home iIn Almaty, the largest city in Kazakhstan. She said: "I usually walk along the road but I just wanted to take a shortcut simply because it was so cold when I heard the noise and was convinced it was an abandoned puppy. When I open the box the was a tiny baby boy lying there naked, without even a blanket. The was blood on him and on the box because he obviously just been born. "My heart went out to the little tyke. I am a mother myself and when I saw this little youngster I felt the same as when I first saw my own children after they were born. I wrapped him in a scarf and rushed him home where I called the doctor. He told me that the baby was unharmed but that had he been left there very long he would not have survived. "I didn't want to turn him into authorities and so I've made an official application to adopt him, but I was turned down because of my age." But the rejection has not deterred the OAP was now persuaded her son and his wife to make the adoption application and to bring the child into the family. The family have named the boy Chingiz, meaning gift of God, and she said she had heard that the was a good chance the family would be allowed to adopt the youngster. But the need to wait three months to give the biological mother the chance to claim the child. After that we adoption request can be processed and the family are hoping it will go through, and he can become part of the Musabekova family.

據警察的調查,Williams試圖為她14歲的女兒買一個嬰兒。警方說,Williams告訴他們,「她的女兒想要個孩子,無論有沒有她的幫助都要弄到一個。拗不過女兒,於是她決定幫助她女兒。」 而且他們也確實準備好了一切,那個14歲的女孩已經準備了嬰兒床,奶粉,尿布和嬰兒禮物。

Forsyth郡治安官Duane Piper說,「這個廣告引起了人販子的注意,有人聯繫Williams想要賣孩子給她。」

目前,Forsyth郡治安官辦公室已要求國土安全局來幫忙追查誰試圖出售嬰兒給這個女人。這些人一旦查實將被控以販賣人口罪。 Williams也被控使用非法廣告,試圖非法收養子女。她女兒也面臨著相關的指控。



喬治亞關愛兒童受害者項目的總監Angela Sanders說:「這件事並不讓我們感到驚訝,因為每天都有父母在賣自己的孩子。一些地下的不正當的買賣業務中就常常包括嬰兒。一般來說,買家想要什麼,只要他們有錢,他們通常可以得到。可是,事實上賣自己的孩子也是非法的。」 她還指出:「我想很多人不是沒有意識到,是他們不想知道這件事情。很多人願意相信這是發生在其他國家的事,而不是在就發生在自己的周圍。」

雖然目前沒有人知道有多少嬰兒在黑市上出售,但是人口販賣業在持續增長是一個不爭的事實。作家Louise Shelly在她的書《販賣人口》中寫道:「人口販子越來越多地販賣孕婦及其新生兒。」

那麼,公眾如何能提供幫助呢?Sanders 認為人們應該更多地了解人口販運問題,並報告任何可疑跡象。Forsyth郡當局之所以發現這個在Craigslist買孩子的廣告,就是因為有人看到廣告後聯繫了他們。








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