
熱議 | 亞特蘭大上海航班上 台灣空姐疑似有種族歧視行為



08/04/2018下午3點左右,S先生抵達亞特蘭大。他剛剛乘坐了上海飛往亞特蘭大的達美航空DL0186。 本來滿心歡喜的去體驗新航班,卻沒想到憋了一肚子氣。



「I verbally filed a race/group discrimination complaint in the airplane when the incident happened: The Taiwanese attendant holds a pack of snacks and ask around anyone need a snack. I replied I want one but she refused and replied in Mandarin that there may not be enough left and she will bring me one if there are more left. But she holds 2 in her hands and why she asked anyone needing snack in the first place. I strong believe while she treat people from Taiwan preferably, discriminate against passengers from mainland China.I published a youtube video here describing the attendant. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAMkY7pN7e0&t=326s But the incident was not recorded. I will elaborate more in the video when have more time . This creates humiliation, shame and unwelcomeness. I discussed the incident with several other attendants on the flight. I later noticed that when she asked, she was facing a group of people of white origin and Taiwanese origin. I believe she is not fit serving on the flight from Shanghai to Atlanta while a lot of passengers from China.」



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