
當地政治 | 1%選票的挑戰

前年 Brad Raffensperger 選佐州 house representative,當時5人初選,Brad 以1%也就是26票的差距居第二位,經過華人一個月的努力及幫忙,終於贏了最後選舉。

記得開票當天早上,和肖宇通了電話,才知道連市長都支持對方。我回說,還好我不住那,否則嚇也嚇死,早打退堂鼓了。一想要是贏了,那對華人而言,豈不特別有意義及令人興奮,瞬間激起了鬥志,於是我每小時和 Brad 報華人投票數,最後 Brad 贏得了勝利,贏的票數和我們報的數非常接近,明顯華人的票起了致勝的關鍵作用。

這次第六區聯邦議員 Tom Price 入閣,有18位候選人參選,候補他的位子,民主黨一位 Ossoff 43%遙遙領先,其餘是共和党參選人。其中最值得關注的是 Karen Handel 和 Bob Gray 民調分別是15%及14%,這1%的差距,使得原本華人在國會選舉中原本不足輕重,忽然變得舉足輕重,甚至能讓 Bob Gray 有機會進入複選 Runoff 的可能性。

我認識 Bob Gray 有將近二年了,當初 Brad 選舉也是 Bob 的建議,經過今年十一月要選 Duluth 市議員曾超漢 Louis Tseng,找到咱們華人的。後來北堂停車埸 re-zoning ,五位市議員,Bob 是唯一積極表示願意支持,並給建議,使得拖了十年的案子,終於通過。此外這一年 Bob 也積極拜會中文學校,華人教會,新年春宴及園遊會,甚至魚協年會。可見他對華人的重視。


所以我請大家投給亞城華人的好朋友 Bob Gray, 讓他越過1%的差距,進第二輪決選,到時大家可繼續支持 Bob Gray 或投 Jon Ossoff  皆可,那以後咱們華人的票,不但 Bob 會特別感激,其他候選人也都會重視和拜票了。

本文由【亞特蘭大生活網】獨家約稿,由 玉山峰 原文創作。原創作品未經授權,嚴禁轉載,否則追究法律責任。免責聲明:觀點僅代表作者本人立場。部分圖片取自網路,版權屬於原作者。



13 條回復

  1. 2021年1月4日

    […] HERE IS A 2017 ARTICLE IN WHICH THE SAME CHINESE-PUBLICATION BRAGS ABOUT HANDPICKING RAFFENSPERGER FOR OFFICE, stating, 「After a month of hard work and help from the Chinese, he finally won the final election…Shun aroused fighting spirit, so I and Brad reported the number of Chinese votes every hour. In the end, Brad won the victory. The numbers we quoted are very close, obviously the Chinese votes played a key role in winning.」 […]

  2. 2021年1月5日

    […] HERE IS A 2017 ARTICLE IN WHICH THE SAME CHINESE-LANGUAGE PUBLICATION BRAGS ABOUT HANDPICKING RAFFENSPERGER FOR OFFICE, stating, “After a month of hard work and help from the Chinese, he finally won the final election…Shun aroused fighting spirit, so I and Brad reported the number of Chinese votes every hour. In the end, Brad won the victory. The numbers we quoted are very close, obviously the Chinese votes played a key role in winning.” […]

  3. 2021年1月5日

    […] HERE IS A 2017 ARTICLE IN WHICH THE SAME CHINESE-LANGUAGE PUBLICATION BRAGS ABOUT HANDPICKING RAFFENSPERGER FOR OFFICE, stating, 「After a month of hard work and help from the Chinese, he finally won the final election…Shun aroused fighting spirit, so I and Brad reported the number of Chinese votes every hour. In the end, Brad won the victory. The numbers we quoted are very close, obviously the Chinese votes played a key role in winning.」 […]

  4. 2021年1月5日

    […] HERE IS A 2017 ARTICLE IN WHICH THE SAME CHINESE-LANGUAGE PUBLICATION BRAGS ABOUT HANDPICKING RAFFENSPERGER FOR OFFICE, stating, 「After a month of hard work and help from the Chinese, he finally won the final election…Shun aroused fighting spirit, so I and Brad reported the number of Chinese votes every hour. In the end, Brad won the victory. The numbers we quoted are very close, obviously the Chinese votes played a key role in winning.」 […]

  5. 2021年1月5日

    […] HERE IS A 2017 ARTICLE IN WHICH THE SAME CHINESE-LANGUAGE PUBLICATION BRAGS ABOUT HANDPICKING RAFFENSPERGER FOR OFFICE, stating, “After a month of hard work and help from the Chinese, he finally won the final election…Shun aroused fighting spirit, so I and Brad reported the number of Chinese votes every hour. In the end, Brad won the victory. The numbers we quoted are very close, obviously the Chinese votes played a key role in winning.” […]

  6. 2021年1月5日

    […] HERE IS A 2017 ARTICLE IN WHICH THE SAME CHINESE-LANGUAGE PUBLICATION BRAGS ABOUT HANDPICKING RAFFENSPERGER FOR OFFICE, stating, 「After a month of hard work and help from the Chinese, he finally won the final election…Shun aroused fighting spirit, so I and Brad reported the number of Chinese votes every hour. In the end, Brad won the victory. The numbers we quoted are very close, obviously the Chinese votes played a key role in winning.」 […]

  7. 2021年3月31日

    […] HERE IS A 2017 ARTICLE IN WHICH THE SAME CHINESE-LANGUAGE PUBLICATION BRAGS ABOUT HANDPICKING RAFFENSPERGER FOR OFFICE, stating, “After a month of hard work and help from the Chinese, he finally won the final election…Shun aroused fighting spirit, so I and Brad reported the number of Chinese votes every hour. In the end, Brad won the victory. The numbers we quoted are very close, obviously the Chinese votes played a key role in winning.” […]

  8. 2021年3月31日

    […] HERE IS A 2017 ARTICLE IN WHICH THE SAME CHINESE-LANGUAGE PUBLICATION BRAGS ABOUT HANDPICKING RAFFENSPERGER FOR OFFICE, stating, 「After a month of hard work and help from the Chinese, he finally won the final election…Shun aroused fighting spirit, so I and Brad reported the number of Chinese votes every hour. In the end, Brad won the victory. The numbers we quoted are very close, obviously the Chinese votes played a key role in winning.」 […]

  9. 2021年3月31日

    […] HERE IS A 2017 ARTICLE IN WHICH THE SAME CHINESE-LANGUAGE PUBLICATION BRAGS ABOUT HANDPICKING RAFFENSPERGER FOR OFFICE, stating, 「After a month of hard work and help from the Chinese, he finally won the final election…Shun aroused fighting spirit, so I and Brad reported the number of Chinese votes every hour. In the end, Brad won the victory. The numbers we quoted are very close, obviously the Chinese votes played a key role in winning.」 […]

  10. 2021年3月31日

    […] HERE IS A 2017 ARTICLE IN WHICH THE SAME CHINESE-LANGUAGE PUBLICATION BRAGS ABOUT HANDPICKING RAFFENSPERGER FOR OFFICE, stating, “After a month of hard work and help from the Chinese, he finally won the final election…Shun aroused fighting spirit, so I and Brad reported the number of Chinese votes every hour. In the end, Brad won the victory. The numbers we quoted are very close, obviously the Chinese votes played a key role in winning.” […]

  11. 2021年3月31日

    […] HERE IS A 2017 ARTICLE IN WHICH THE SAME CHINESE-LANGUAGE PUBLICATION BRAGS ABOUT HANDPICKING RAFFENSPERGER FOR OFFICE, stating, 「After a month of hard work and help from the Chinese, he finally won the final election…Shun aroused fighting spirit, so I and Brad reported the number of Chinese votes every hour. In the end, Brad won the victory. The numbers we quoted are very close, obviously the Chinese votes played a key role in winning.」 […]

  12. 2021年3月31日

    […] HERE IS A 2017 ARTICLE IN WHICH THE SAME CHINESE-LANGUAGE PUBLICATION BRAGS ABOUT HANDPICKING RAFFENSPERGER FOR OFFICE, stating, “After a month of hard work and help from the Chinese, he finally won the final election…Shun aroused fighting spirit, so I and Brad reported the number of Chinese votes every hour. In the end, Brad won the victory. The numbers we quoted are very close, obviously the Chinese votes played a key role in winning.” […]

  13. 2021年4月1日

    […] HERE IS A 2017 ARTICLE IN WHICH THE SAME CHINESE-LANGUAGE PUBLICATION BRAGS ABOUT HANDPICKING RAFFENSPERGER FOR OFFICE, stating, 「After a month of hard work and help from the Chinese, he finally won the final election…Shun aroused fighting spirit, so I and Brad reported the number of Chinese votes every hour. In the end, Brad won the victory. The numbers we quoted are very close, obviously the Chinese votes played a key role in winning.」 […]


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