秋季,是收获的季节,也是全家出外郊游的好时光。在美国南部,摘苹果是非常有意思的活动。全家人不但能在空气清新的郊外农场嬉戏玩乐,而且还能在自己的劳动后享受纯自然味的新鲜苹果。这是小娅特意为生活网华人朋友汇编的在佐治亚州亚特兰大市(Georgia Atlanta)附近最好玩的摘萍果的农場。
B.J Reece Apple House
地址:9131 Highway 52 East, Ellijay, Georgia 30536
开放时间:Open July 20 – December 20 Monday -Saturday: 8am-6pm & Sunday: 1pm-6pm
U-Pick: August 30 – October 31: 9am-6pm everyday including Sunday.
½ peck – $5.00
1 peck – $8.00
½ bushel – $14.00
Hillcrest Orchards
地址:9696 HWY 52 EAST, Ellijay, GA 30536
开放时间:Apple Pickin’ Jubilee Open Daily: 9:00am – 6:00pm (Sep. & Oct.) 9:00am – 5:00pm (Nov.)
收费:入场费 Admission $7.00 per person Separate $3.00 per person admission to Petting Farm
Hillcrest 是家遍重于儿童活动而建的果场。在 Hillcrest 内,你可以替奶牛挤奶,观看猪赛跑,大蹦床上玩蹦蹦,观看月光博物馆,坐马车,山间小道漫游,还有滑滑梯等。
you will get to milk a Cow, watch pigs race, jump on the giant pillow, see a moonshine museum, enjoy a wagon ride, walk the nature trail and slide the giant slide
Mercier Orchards
地址:8660 Blue Ridge Drive, Blue Ridge, GA 30513
开放时间:Apple U-PICK will run every Saturday and Sunday from 10-4 through October.
收费:$10 一人一袋(peck sized)去装苹果及坐拖拉机游果场。如果你不愿摘苹果但只想游果场,费用是 $2 per person. 2岁或以下的儿童免费。
R & A Orchards
地址:5505 Hwy 52 East, Ellijay, GA 30536
开放时间: every weekend in September and October
Red Apple Barn
地址:3379 Tailscreek Road, Ellijay, Georgia 30540
开放时间:mid July through December 23 | Monday-Saturday 9am-6pm, Sunday 12:30pm-5:30pm
收费: $5- Tractor Ride and Tour: Tractor ride to and from the orchard, tour of the farm, pick an apple from the orchard, a cup cold cider and an apple cider donut.
Rate for additional apples: ½ Peck – $4 ½ Peck – $6 1 Peck – $10 ½ Bushel – $16