州长坎普(Brian Kemp)表示,这些恐怖罪行在佐治亚州没有立足之地,他与该州一起期待“随着执法人员进行彻底,详细的调查,对杀手的残忍行为进行充分的了解。”
州长坎普(Kemp)还强调:“每个乔治亚人,包括AAPI(Asian American Pacific Islander)社区,都应该在我们州得到安全保障。”
佐治亚州总检察长克里斯·卡尔(Chris Carr)除了向这些受害者及其家人表示慰问和祈祷外,还发誓言将伸张正义,并感谢执法人员能够迅速抓捕嫌疑犯。
A message from State of Georgia in response to the recent tragedy
The killings in Georgia on March 16, have elicited a swift response from local and state leaders across Georgia, as well as leaders across the United States, including President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.
U.S. federal agents are assisting local authorities in a thorough investigation of these crimes, and a suspect was swiftly apprehended.
Governor Brian Kemp said that these horrific crimes have no place in Georgia, and that he joins the state in looking forward “to a full accounting of the killer’s deranged actions as law enforcement conducts a thorough, detailed investigation.”
Governor Kemp also reinforced the message that, “Every Georgian, including the AAPI community, deserves to be safe and secure in our state.”
Governor Kemp and First Lady Marty Kemp issued condolences, saying they are heartbroken and disgusted by the shootings that occurred on March 16, and they are praying for the victims and their families.
In addition to offering his condolences and saying prayers for these victims and their families, Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr also vowed that justice will be served and thanked law enforcement for their quick work to apprehend a suspect.
President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are visiting Georgia on Friday, March 19, and adjusted the plans for their visit to Georgia to meet with the Asian American Pacific Island community.
The State of Georgia values and stands in solidarity with our global partners, including those in our Asian American Pacific Islander community and business community.