
明日之光Open Arms团队为自闭症奔走

2020年11月至今,美中下一代基金会明日之光公益奖平台已经成立近两年并得到华人社区的积极响应和广泛支持。平台的职责之一是传播各个团队的事迹和经验,共大家学习,交流和参考。Open Arms团队最近参加了非常有意义的为自闭症募捐的健行活动,并将他们的体验写出来,和大家分享。

Open Arms at Autism Speaks Atlanta Walk

by Alexis Liu

为自闭症奔走 - Open Arms 的Autism Speaks 亚特兰大健行活动 

Along with many other groups and organizations, the volunteers and parents of Open Arms walked for Autism Speaks on the first of October, 2022. 

2022 年 10 月 1 日,Open Arms 的志愿者和家长与许多其他团体和组织一起参加了Autism Speaks Organization 组织的亚特兰大健行活动。

A nonprofit organization created by and composed of middle and highschoolers, Open Arms has been working towards raising awareness and advocacy for special needs kids since its creation. We've been grasping every opportunity to further our development and achieve our goals, and joining Autism Speaks to walk for awareness was the perfect action. 

Open Arms 是一个由高中生和初中生创建的非营利组织,自成立以来一直致力于为对有特殊需求的孩子提供服务, 并提高人们对有特殊需求的人群的认识和了解。 我们一直在抓住每一个机会来进一步发展和实现我们的目标,加入 Autism Speaks 为自闭症而健行就是我们的行动之一。

Located in the Battery, Atlanta, the walk lasted from around 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM. Located amongst stalls, advertisements, and people, we walked with signs and themed pom-poms. Not only did many of our volunteers join, some of the autistic children we work with frequently did as well!

健行活动在亚特兰大Battery Park 举行,从上午 9:00 报到持续到上午 11:30。 位于摊位、广告和人群之间,人们带着各种宣传标志和主题绒球行走着。 不仅我们的许多志愿者加入了,我们经常与之合作的一些自闭症儿童也加入了!

We walked with everyone else for a while, cheering and chanting. Some of our volunteers also took some time to peruse the many stalls around us, and experienced a lot. 

我们和其他人一起健行,彼此交流。 我们的一些志愿者也花了一些时间细读了我们周围的许多摊位,对自闭症的世界了解更多。

Our volunteers and kids both had a great time, and we hope to have made an impact! In the event this happens again, and anyone else wants to join, you can check out autismspeaks.com, or the official Open Arms website openarms2021.org. We hope to see you there!

我们的志愿者和孩子们都很享受这个活动。我们希望我们的健行能帮助Autism Speaks为自闭症提供更多的服务! 如果将来任何其他人想加入这项活动,您可以查看 autismspeaks.com 或 Open Arms 官方网站 openarmsforkids.org。 我们希望明年看到你和我们一起在那里!




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