SHANGHAI, March 7, 2019 – Starting March 1, new menu selections include spring-inspired dishes and wines curated by Delta chefs and Master Sommelier. And this spring, new free snacks and teas join Delta favorites.
【2019年3月7日,中国上海】 美好春天,灵感乍现,3月1日起,由达美航空的特邀主厨及侍酒大师倾情打造的达美航空机上菜单及酒单已经全新上线。今春起,达美的机上餐食还将新添免费的零食和茶饮。
Spring means a fresh start and a new selection of in-flight food and beverage offerings for Delta customers to enjoy. As part of Delta’s continued investment in the onboard customer experience, the airline has committed to seasonal refreshes for its onboard menus – ensuring that even the most frequent of travelers has something new to look forward to each season in-flight, in addition to familiar favorites that customers have come to know and love.
Welcome spring with seasonal menus and wine in Delta One
In the latest seasonal menu refresh, Delta One customers can look forward to reinvigorating flavors that help usher in springtime – from sweet, first-of-season Vidalia onions fresh from Georgia’s G&R farms to bright herbs and crisp spring greens.
As part of the airline’s popular pre-select meal program, customers confirmed in the Delta One cabin will receive an email from Delta three days prior to their flight, asking them to pick their first choice meal. Starting March 1, Delta is partnering with Chef Jereme Leung to provide selections including spring-inspired Chinese dishes on flights that exit Shanghai and Beijing.
Depending on the route, menus will feature talents of the airline’s in-house and partner chefs – like James Beard honoree Linton Hopkins out of Atlanta, Danny Meyer's Union Square Events out of New York, and chef duo Jon Shook and Vinny Dotolo out of L.A. Customers travelling between the U.S. and Asia can look forward to regionally-sourced menus curated by Chinese chef Jereme Leung, Japanese chef Norio Ueno and Korean chef Kwon Woo-Joong.
此外,搭乘达美不同航线航班的乘客将品尝到由达美专属及合作主厨设计的不同美食,例如,从亚特兰大出发的旅客将能品尝到詹姆斯彼尔德奖得主Linton Hopkins创作的美食;从纽约出发的旅客将能品尝到由Danny Meyer旗下联合广场酒店集团的厨师打造的美食;从洛杉矶出发的旅客将能品尝到Jon Shook和Vinny Dotolo主厨二人组创作的美食。而往返美国与亚洲之间的旅客则可品尝到由梁子庚大厨、日本大厨Norio Ueno以及韩国大厨Kwon Woo-Joong精心设计的具有当地特色的餐食。
Delta's new spring meals will be complemented by a selection of wines curated by Delta's Master Sommelier, Andrea Robinson. Andrea's spring lineup includes regionally sourced wines chosen to perfectly pair with the latest menus, like Kleine Zalze Chenin Blanc from South Africa and Chateau Sainte Michelle Indian Wells Cabernet Sauvignon hailing from Washington's Columbia Valley.
随着春季菜单的推出,乘客还将有机会品尝到由达美侍酒大师Andrea Robinson精心准备的酒单。Andrea设计的春季酒单对酒品的来源地进行了精心挑选,例如来自南非柯林茨酒庄的白诗南干白葡萄酒,以及来自华盛顿哥伦比亚谷圣密夕酒庄的印第安泉赤霞珠干红葡萄酒,与最新机上菜单相得益彰。
Steep and sip at 30,000 feet
Starting May, Delta will begin boarding new premium tea selections from Pure Leaf for Delta One customers to sip and savor in-fight. Flavors will include English Breakfast, Green Tea with Jasmine, Peppermint Herbal Tea and Earl Grey.
自5月起,达美至臻商务舱的乘客还将能够在机上享用到高端茶饮品牌Pure Leaf的产品,具体口味包括英式早餐、茉莉花绿茶、薄荷草本茶和伯爵茶。
Pure Leaf teas will also be available on the ground in Delta Sky Clubs starting May 1, where customers can find even more flavors to love – like Chamomile, Chai Tea, Ginger with Orange Blossom and Black Tea with Berries, as well as the four in-flight flavors.
5月1日起,达美飞凡贵宾室也将开始供应Pure Leaf茶品,除了机上提供的四种口味外,还提供洋甘菊茶、印度香茶、橙花姜茶、黑莓红茶等。
In addition to providing elevated flavor for customers, Pure Leaf teas align with Delta’s industry-leading sustainability strategy. Every Pure Leaf product uses tea from Rainforest Alliance Certified™ tea estates around the world.
来自Pure Leaf的产品不仅能令乘客大饱口福,更与达美业界领先的可持续发展理念不谋而合。每款Pure Leaf产品均采用全球范围内获得雨林联盟认证的茶园所产的茶叶制成。
Delta will also introduce Lipton, one of the world’s best-selling tea brands, for customers seated in Delta Premium Select, First Class, Delta Comfort+ and Main Cabin.
These culinary enchantments are part of Delta's multi-billion dollar investment in the overall customer experience. In the past several years, the airline has made significant enhancements to the Main Cabin experience including free Main Cabin meals on select coast-to-coast routes, free mobile messaging, free in-flight entertainment, upgraded Main Cabin snacks, the addition of sparkling wine, access to Wi-Fi on nearly all flights and refreshed Flight Fuel food-for-purchase options. Recent upgrades to the Delta One in-flight experience include new chef-designed Delta One menus, refreshed TUMI amenity kits with Kiehl's products, and an Alessi-designed collection of serviceware.
此次推出全新机上菜单,是达美航空投入数十亿美元进一步改善客户体验的又一举措。在过去几年中,其它重要举措还包括在部分美国东西海岸间航线上的经济舱提供免费餐食、免费手机短信服务、免费机上娱乐、升级的经济舱零食、新增起泡酒、为几乎所有航班提供机上Wi-Fi,以及全新的Flight Fuel 菜单提供更多可购买餐品。在至臻商务舱,达美还提供由达美合作主厨设计的全新菜单,同时也提供内含科颜氏产品的全新升级TUMI旅行套装,以及Alessi品牌餐具。
About Delta
Delta Air Lines (NYSE: DAL) is the U.S. global airline leader in products, services, innovation, reliability and customer experience. Powered by its 80,000 people around the world, Delta continues to invest billions in its people, improving the air travel experience and generating industry-leading shareholder returns.
· Delta serves nearly 200 million people every year, taking customers across its industry-leading global network to more than 300 destinations in over 50 countries.
· Headquartered in Atlanta, Delta offers more than 5,000 daily departures and as many as 15,000 affiliated departures including the premier SkyTeam alliance, of which Delta is a founding member.
· Through its innovative alliances with Aeromexico, Air France-KLM, Alitalia, China Eastern, GOL, Korean Air, Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Australia and WestJet, Delta is bringing more choice and competition to customers worldwide.
· Delta operates significant hubs and key markets at airports in Amsterdam, Atlanta, Boston, Detroit, Los Angeles, Mexico City, Minneapolis/St. Paul, New York-JFK and LaGuardia, London-Heathrow, Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Salt Lake City, São Paulo, Seattle, Seoul-Incheon and Tokyo-Narita.
· Delta has been recognized as a Fortune’s top 50 Most Admired Companies in addition to being named the most admired airline for the eighth time in nine years. Additionally, Delta has ranked No. 1 in the Business Travel News Annual Airline survey for an unprecedented eight consecutive years and named one of Fast Company’s Most Innovative Companies Worldwide for two consecutive years.
· As an employer, Delta has been regularly awarded top honors from organizations like Glassdoor and recognized as a top workplace for women and members of the military. Delta CEO Ed Bastian was named among the “World’s Greatest Leaders” by Fortune magazine in 2018.
· More about Delta can be found on the Delta News Hub as well as delta.com, via @DeltaNewsHub on Twitter and Facebook.com/delta.
· 达美航空每年服务的乘客数量近2亿人次,其行业领先的全球航线网络覆盖50多个国家的300多个目的地。
· 达美航空总部位于美国亚特兰大,每日为乘客提供超过5,000班次的航班。作为天合联盟的创始成员,达美航空还与其全球联盟伙伴携手合作,每日为乘客提供15,000班次的联营或代码共享航班。
· 通过与墨西哥航空、法航荷航集团、意大利航空、中国东方航空、戈尔航空、大韩航空、维珍航空、维珍澳洲航空以及西捷航空的创新合作,达美航空正在为全球客户带来更多的选择与价格优势。
· 达美航空在全球的重要枢纽和关键市场包括阿姆斯特丹、亚特兰大、波士顿、底特律、洛杉矶、墨西哥城、明尼阿波利斯-圣保罗、纽约肯尼迪国际机场、纽约拉瓜迪亚机场、伦敦希思罗机场、巴黎戴高乐机场、盐湖城、圣保罗、西雅图、首尔仁川以及东京成田机场。
· 2019年,达美航空被《财富》杂志评为“50家全球最受赞赏公司”之一,这也是达美航空在九年内第八次荣获“最受赞赏航企”的殊荣。此外,达美航空已连续八年在《Business Travel News》杂志举办的年度航空公司调查中位列第一,成为首家连续八年蝉联该评选榜首的航空公司。达美航空已连续两年被《快公司》评选为“全球最佳创新公司”。
· 作为雇主,达美航空多次荣获Glassdoor等机构授予的最高奖项,包括获评最适宜女性和军人工作的最佳工作场所。2018年,达美航空首席执行官Ed Bastian被《财富》杂志评选为“全球最伟大50位领袖”之一。
· 更多信息请登录delta.com,或关注达美航空官微(微信ID:Fly_Delta;微博:美国达美航空Delta),同时也可点击https://news.delta.com/,登陆达美航空新闻中心(News Hub),并选择简体中文,浏览达美航空所有新闻资料。