Nancy生活馆 | 家常版烫面萝卜丝饼
- 白萝卜 1个(约600克),擦成细丝
- 白色洋葱 ½个,切细丝
- 红色香葱头 1个,切细丝
- 葱花碎 半杯,提味也填色彩
- 姜 1块,切碎(约1汤匙)
- 十三香 1/3 茶匙(可根据个人喜好选用)
- 花椒粉 ¼茶匙(可选)
- 胡椒粉 ¼茶匙
- 菜籽油 3汤匙
- 香菇5-6朵(非素食者可以用虾皮或海米 2汤匙)
- 胡萝卜 1个 擦成细丝(可选,有了可以增加营养和色彩)
- 这里我加了胡萝卜。大家可以看出金属盆里的面团和馅料比起来是多么小。
- 中筋面粉(all-purpose flour) 250克
- 热水(约70°C/160°F)145克
- 饧面时间 30分钟。如果有时间可以提前一天和好面,放入冰箱过夜效果更好,
- 准备萝卜丝馅料:
- 萝卜擦成细丝,放入开水中焯烫至变软,捞出挤干水分,并撒少许盐调味。
- 热锅加油,用中火慢炒洋葱丝,炒至微焦后,加入十三香和花椒粉一起炒香。
- 如果选用胡萝卜,此时胡萝卜丝和葱头丝可以一起炒。
- 如果使用香菇,或者虾皮或海米,此时加入锅中一起翻炒至香味溢出。
- 加入焯好的萝卜丝,撒入胡椒粉,拌匀后放凉备用。
- 最后拌入葱花以保持它的绿色。
- 制作烫面面团:
- 将70°C热水缓缓倒入面粉中,用筷子搅拌成絮状。
- 这是用小美机和面,机器柔两分钟,
- 面拿出整理一下就好就可以去饧了
- 如果手工和,待稍凉后,用手揉成光滑的面团,盖上湿布,饧面30分钟。如果和好的面放冰箱过夜效果会更好。
- 包制与煎饼:
- 醒好的面团分成8个等大的小剂子(每个约49克)如果想少做也可以做大一些75克。
- 取一个剂子,擀成圆片,包入适量馅料,收口捏紧后翻面,轻轻压扁成饼状。
- 平底锅中倒少许油,中火加热,将萝卜丝饼放入锅中火煎至两面金黄酥脆,即可出锅享
- 用。
- 真正可谓薄皮大馅儿。
这款家常版萝卜丝饼,外皮焦香、内馅软嫩,做法简单。希望你也像我一样喜欢 😋
Homemade Shredded Radish Pancakes
I have always loved shredded radish pancakes. I still remember a business trip to Guangdong many years ago when the agent who came to pick me up made a special detour to buy some from a hotel, claiming they were the best in town. The golden, crispy crust and the delicate, finely shredded radish inside left a lasting impression on me.
Over the years, I’ve tasted many versions of shredded radish pancakes, most of which use a flaky pastry dough that requires intricate techniques. However, just yesterday, I learned a simple, foolproof homemade version from a teacher at the Tzu Chi kitchen. It instantly felt like the perfect method for home cooking—easy, quick, and delicious! After a few trials, I fine-tuned the recipe to make it my own.
- White radish – 1 (about 600g), shredded
- Onion – ½, thinly sliced
- Shallot – 1, thinly sliced
- Ginger – 1 small piece, finely minced (about 1 tbsp)
- Chinese thirteen-spice powder – 1/3 tsp (optional, based on preference)
- Sichuan pepper powder – ¼ tsp (optional)
- Black pepper – ¼ tsp
- Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp
- Shiitake mushrooms – 3/4 cup shredded or dried shrimp or dried scallops/shrimp 2 tbsp for non-vegetarian version
- Carrots - 1 med size, shredded (optional)
Hot Water Dough:
- All-purpose flour – 250g
- Hot water (about 70°C / 160°F) – 145g
- Knead, resting time – 30 minutes. If time allowed, let the dough rest in refrigerator overnight would be the best.
Prepare the Radish Filling:
- Shred the radish and blanch it in boiling water until softened (about 1-2 minutes). Drain, squeeze out excess water, and season with a pinch of salt.
- Heat oil in a pan over medium heat, sauté the onion slices until lightly caramelized. Add the thirteen spice powder and Sichuan pepper powder, and stir-fry until fragrant.
- If use carrots, then add in at this stage to sauté with onion together.
- Add in mushrooms, or if using dried shrimp or scallops, add them to the pan and stir-fry until aromatic
- Add the blanched radish shreds, sprinkle in black pepper, and mix well. Set aside to cool.
Make the Hot Water Dough:
- Slowly pour hot water (70°C / 160°F) into the flour while stirring with chopsticks until it forms a shaggy dough.
- Once cooled slightly, knead the dough by hand until smooth. Cover with a damp cloth and let it rest for 30 minutes. Again, if rest in refrigerator overnight would have the best testure.
Assemble and Cook the Pancakes:
- Divide the rested dough into 8 equal portions (about 49g each) or bigger if you prefer.
- Roll each portion into a round wrapper, place a generous amount of filling in the center, then seal it like a bun and gently flatten it into a pancake shape.
- Heat a pan with a small amount of oil over medium heat. Place the pancakes in the pan and cook until both sides are golden brown and crispy. Serve hot!
What to Do with Leftover Filling?
If you have extra filling, you can turn it into a shredded radish omelet by mixing in 2 eggs, chopped scallions, or other leafy greens, plus 2 tablespoons of flour. Pan-fry until golden brown, and enjoy with minced garlic and chili sauce for an extra kick!
These homemade shredded radish pancakes have a crispy exterior and a tender, flavorful filling. It's healthy and the method is simple. It's perfect for home cooking. Hope you will enjoy it as much as I do. Give it a try! 😋