
明日之光Building Bridges團隊:建一座連接你我之橋


2020年11月,美中下一代基金會明日之光公益獎平台正式成立並得到華人社區的積極響應和參與。平台的職責之一是傳播各個團隊的事迹和經驗,共大家學習,交流和參考。明日之光Building Bridge是一個今年由幾個高中生成立的團隊,目的在於幫助國內中小學生學習英語口語,促進美中學生之間的交流。這篇介紹他們團隊的文章是由團隊的發起和組織者Estelle Shen執筆,好友及合作發起者Stephanie Sun潤色而成。希望給其他想成立義工團隊的學生和家長一些啟發,有心加入團隊的學生也可以聯繫他們。

Building Bridges 建一座連接你我之橋

Written by: Estelle Shen

Revised by: Stephanie Sun

Translated by: Helen Chen

At the start of the 2021-2022 school year, a fascination about English-based opportunities available to children living in China stirred in me. Most Chinese schools already provide students with a basic understanding of the English language. However, these classes are limited in allowing students to develop their skills, get real-life practice, and learn about American culture. English is a lingua franca; the ability to speak and understand English is crucial in an international work setting. Chinese students realize the importance of English and yearn to take initiative and get as much experience in English as possible.

今年暑假的時候,我對為生活在中國的孩子提供英語學習機會產生了濃厚的興趣。我知道大多數中國學校已經讓學生對英語有了基本的了解, 但是更多的小朋友有著極大的熱忱想深入學習英語以及更多地練習日常口語。英語是一種通用語言,在如今的國際環境中能夠理解和說英語是極為重要的。中國的小朋友們意識到了這一點,他們渴望主動獲得更多的英語體驗。

From this realization, I thought to myself: wouldn』t it be amazing if Chinese students could receive English lessons from a primary English speaker? What if these lessons could be taught by youth, whom children relate to more and are more comfortable around? Better yet, could these said lessons be taught by youth in the United States, whom Chinese students rarely experience speaking to?


As I started to envision Building Bridges as an organization, I reached out to potential team members. Stephanie was the first person I contacted. When I explained my proposal about Building Bridges to her, she was extremely enthusiastic about the idea. She quickly understood the impact we could make by using our education to help out others who lack the same opportunities we do. Stephanie was just as dedicated to the cause as I was, and together, we took the steps to make Building Bridges a reality.

在我將Building Bridges做為一個組織來構想之後,我開始物色小老師的人選。我首先聯繫了我的同學Stephanie。當我告訴她我的計劃後,她看起來對這個主意非常熱心。她很快就明白了利用我們的教育來幫助別人的重要性。Stephanie和我一樣很投入,我們一起逐步將計劃變為現實。

With an idea in mind of providing a learning experience where Chinese youth were taught directly by native English-speaking youth, Stephanie and I co-founded Building Bridges. ​​Building Bridges is a non-profit organization that establishes and stimulates a connection between Chinese youth in China and Chinese youth in America. Our mission is to create bridges of connection between youth in China and youth in America using unique learning opportunities. Building Bridges aims its efforts towards children in a disadvantaged situation, such as children with a low socioeconomic status.

基於以上想法,我和Stephanie一起創建了Building Bridges公益英語學習組織,旨在建立和加強中美兩國青少年之間的友誼。我們希望能通過教授英語來認識更多的中國小朋友,和他們一起學習,一起成長。我們特別希望能幫助到家庭條件不是很好的小朋友。

Building Bridges launched its first class on September 4th, 2021. Since then, we have held consistent weekly classes. Each class is one hour long and has a 2:7 teacher-to-student ratio, which allows teachers to frequently interact with every one of the students during class. For teachers, there is a rotating schedule of when each teacher teaches. This not only ensures that classes are not overwhelming for teachers but also allows the students to experience different teaching styles.

2021年9月4號,Building Bridges推出了它的第一節課,自此,從最開始的一周一節課到現在的一周兩節課,每節課一個小時,師生比例是2:7。這樣的比例保證了每位學生課堂上都有充分的發言練習機會。對小老師,我們有輪換的上課時間表,這樣不僅對小老師壓力不會太大,而且也讓我們的教學風格更多樣化。

Our classes are made up of a few general aspects. First, we start each class with a conversation topic. Topics can range from specific questions, such as 「what is everyone』s favorite food?」 to broad subjects, such as what everyone did this week. Each student talks for about 1-2 minutes before moving on. Next, we continue the lesson. Typical lessons include reading stories, role-playing real-life scenarios, or learning about American culture. We select stories that are challenging and represent the students’ reading abilities. With the students, we examine the elements of each story, such as the plot, characters, or conflict, in addition to providing new vocabulary words mentioned in the story that enhance the students’ understanding and usage of English. Meanwhile, our lessons on American culture encompass a variety of topics, such as holidays or common daily routines. After the lesson, we have a quiz or discussion on material presented in the class. To wrap up, we play a game that is fun and intriguing. It is also educational in the aspect that we explain and play the game in English. We encourage every student to actively participate in the game. At the end of the lesson, we leave the students a small homework assignment, allowing them to review what they learned and continue practicing their English outside of class. The goal of all activities completed in Building Bridges classes is to enable students to practice holding meaningful conversations in English and apply what they have learned to real-life situations. All classes are recorded and are uploaded to our Youtube channel so that others interested in our classes can watch to see what it is like. Check out our Youtube channel, Building Bridges, at this link.


Our current team of teachers From left to right: Estelle, Stephanie Kaden, Ivy, Kaelyn

The Building Bridges team of teachers currently consists of five Chinese-American volunteers who excel in both English and Chinese. We have both male and female teachers who are in their freshman and sophomore years of high school. Each of our team members showcases qualities of initiative, leadership, empathy, and patience. Every teacher is passionate about interacting with younger students and genuinely enjoys teaching class; they regularly dedicate time to prepare material for class and find ways to improve their teaching methods. Before each lesson, teachers take around two hours to create each lesson. Lessons are completely original content made by our teachers, with the exception of stories. Through the teachers’ passion and empathy, they maintain a learning environment that is comfortable and engaging for the students. Building Bridges has received lots of positive feedback from parents saying that our teachers are very patient and that they whole-heartedly care about students.


In one class, we talked about different aspects of winter.

In the future, Building Bridges plans to expand our program to benefit more people, such as youth in China with strong English abilities. We have started to advertise our program to parents and high schoolers in both China and the United States to recruit more students and qualified teachers. After we accumulate a significant number of students and teachers, we will create an additional, higher-level class. The creation of different classes allows the students to have more specialized instruction suitable for their current level. We are also in the process of building our own website and social media accounts to provide a location for information and to document our successes. As a program that is just starting out, we have many plans and ambitions to reach even more people and create a larger impact on society.


In another class, we talked about elements of a story, such as characters.

Building Bridges is an organization that not only connects high schoolers with children living in China but also improves the students』 understanding of the English language. The teachers leave a positive impact on every child they work with by giving them new opportunities and perspectives of learning English that they may not have had before. With each class, youth from both the United States and China are able to interact and learn from each other, building a bridge and maintaining a positive relationship between two countries on opposite sides of the globe.

Building Bridges是一個不僅將中美兩國孩子聯繫起來的組織,而且還提高了中國學生對英語的理解。小老師們通過為中國小朋友們提供他們以前可能沒有過的學習英語的新的機會,對來上課的每個孩子產生了積極的影響。每堂課上,兩國的青少年都互相交流和學習。在地球兩端的兩個國家之間架起一座橋樑,保持積極友好的關係是我們的心愿。

If you are interested in becoming a teacher or student for Building Bridges, do not hesitate to reach out to us! Building Bridges always welcomes new members. Our WeChat ID is @buildingbridgesorg, our Instagram is @buildingbridgesorg, and our email is buildingbridgesteam2021@gmail.com. Our Youtube channel is called Building Bridges and here is the link. Thank you!

如果你有興趣加入我們的小老師團隊,或是想成為學生,歡迎聯繫我們!Building Bridges隨時歡迎新朋友。我們的微信號是buildingbridgesorg,Instagram賬號是buildingbridgesorg,email是buildingbridgesteam2021@gmail.com。我們的youtube頻道叫Building Bridges,歡迎點擊觀看。謝謝!






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